Ch.2 Page 5

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A few moments after William left to go check out the noise, a bright smiling white mask showed itself from the vents above. It dropped down to the floor, surprisingly soft as to not alert the older man that it was here. Mike would describe its movements spider like, yet it moved similar to a snake as well.

The color drained from Michael's face as soon as he saw it. He stumbled backwards, not wanting to believe what was in front of him. He begged that his eyes were deceiving him or he was just tired, anything but  what the truth really was.

The creatures' eyes glowed all over its body as it laughed at the young man's fear, pleased with the effect that it had on him. It started to get closer to him, an excited look in its eyes for what was to come. 

Michael's first instinct should've been to cry out for his father; like Will had told him only moments before. Unfortunately, he was frozen in place with fear and he could only stare at it as it came closer. By the time he shook himself out of the daze, it was too late. Ennard had come face to face with the boy and wrapped it's coils around Michael's mouth and throat, preventing him from calling out loud enough for Will to hear him. 

The wires from its body started to bind the boys' arms to his side, growing tighter as he tried to struggle. Mike was staring fearfully at the bright white clown mask in front of him, his eyes wide with fear. It was constricting his body, and it was starting to hurt. 

"You just can't do w-what you've be-en ToLd, c-can you?" Ennard growled. It lets out a harsh bitter chuckle that had an angry tinge to it. 

"W - Why can't you paThet -ic humans Do A s oThers w-want? All I wantE d was a little-"the wires start twisting like wild unruly vines over Mikes feet tightening as Ennard spoke.

"-EnTerTAInMEnT. Guess I'll have to Do t hI s my sElf...I'vealways wondered what t hE sounD of your bOn es slowly breaking into p E I C e s would sound like....Your skeleton being t- TorN aPPART!" more cables wrapped around Michaels body, torso, legs, arms and neck.

The young man struggled against the wires trying to break free. He attempted to kick it but was restrained. He once again tried to cry out but couldn't. 

Ennard laughed again at the youths' fear and attempted struggle. Michael's helplessness was utterly amusing! The robot was thoroughly entertained by his struggle, knowing the boy wouldn't get out.

Michael's head was filled with fear, he could think nothing but fear. This thing... this thing had killed him. It had lured him in using his sisters voice, and murdered him just so he could get out. Hid death wasn't even a painless one, it was one of the most painful ways to die. When he was scooped, he could feel it tear into his flesh. He could feel his organs being ripped from his body. Even at the end (or so he thought), he could feel Ennard crawl inside of his body in his last moments. This thing had caused him so much pain and agony, and it seemed it was going to take revenge for what Michael did last time to it. Suddenly Mike had a thought, the wrench he had taken from the box was on his belt. If he could only reach the wrench...he might be able to bang it against the wall to get Williams attention. 

Ennards rusted voice speaks again as the wires become tighter and tighter around the bottom half of one of Michaels legs 

" I cAnT W a I T t-O BREAK ev -ry bo n e in Your bo D y , thou g H it w-would of be-en much more Fun to WatcH you eNdlESSLy StruGgle to acquire your faThers prAise till EventuallY yoU'd SNAP"

Mike squeezes his eyes shut as the wires get tighter, trying to not give Ennard the satisfaction of seeing the pain it was giving. His breathing gets heavier as fear starts running through his veins and; of course, because the robot was squeezing tighter. He continues to try to reach his fingers to the wrench. 

Ennard seemed entertained by this the eyes on its torso and face glowing brightly. 

"YoU tWo HaD to GeT AloNG ThOugh. I had HopeD one of you FlEsh bags would C O n t i nue to DR I v e each o ther In sane... but you had to Go and RUIN THAT" its voice became more and more aggressive. 

The sound of slight cracking could be heard from Michael's body. He winced and yelped as the pain was unrelenting. For the first time in years, he was silently begging for his father to come back.

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now