Ch.4 Page 2

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Will at this point couldn't help himself, even if this was only a memory. He half runs over-standing in front of the teenagers so they couldn't get close to Fredbear. The older man was still completely aware it was just a memory, but a bit of adrenaline from fear about what was going to happen. It was his instinct to protect his child from the gruesome fate that would befall him. 

Michaels friends agreed with him, snickering and picked the young boy up. They ignored Evans cries and pleas as they headed towards the character the boy adored. (i will be referring to CC as Evan now instead of Chris- hope thats ok guys ^^')

Glitch clapped his hands. Even though he was part of William, he held no care, no empathy, no parental instinct to protect the child. He only wanted to see the boys brain be cut off- and the pain on Williams face. 

"yes!! My favorite parts about to happen!!"

William was still trying to stop them, of course it was no use. They passed right through him. He looks at himself , only now realizing he was ghost like as well , cursing. All he could do was helplessly watch as his sons neared the robot, feeling sick to the stomach. Williams senses noticeably heightened due to the adrenaline rush of all this. 

The kids had reached the bear by now, Evan still letting out choked sobs and cries for them to stop. Michael helped bring his brother to the animatronics face, laughing at his fear

The boys laughed as well. "M-MIKE- please! I-I'm scared-"

Evan crying so hard he could barely speak. 

Will suddenly felt numerous spikes of anger towards his oldest, something he hadn't felt towards him really in any situation the last several days. Granted, he did get annoyed by him. This however- was something completely different then the passing annoyance. It wasn't hatred but somewhat close to it. It bubbled up and he remembered WHY he was so horrible to Michael. He shook off the feeling, attempting to once again to pull them away; of course failing as his hands went straight through. 

"Sh-Shit - I-I don't wanna see this again -" William choked out, taking a fair few paces back. His breathing had increased considerably since they had first arrived.

"Angry are we will? Maybe your regretting your desicion to sacrifice your mind for the boy?" This of course was referring to Michael.  Glitch floated next to Wills shoulder, still smiling happily.

The Afton father glared at the rabbit, growling. "What do you WANT me to change my mind?!" 

Glitchtrap simply chuckled "I don't mind either way! The more chaos and suffering the better. If I can't get your body, I'll just find someone else. I just thought it easier with you since we are the same person."

Wiliam snorted, the laugh having a dangerous tone weaved through it. 

"we..we are not the same" will glared at the ghostly form of the rabbit.

Meanwhile, Michael had shoved Evan's head into the animatronic bear. The other boys were still laughing, thinking this was all fun and games. 

Except for one who was starting to realize this probably wasn't the best idea.

"Hey- hey mike I think he's had enough dude" Bonnie mask said, glancing at him.

Michael didn't seem to hear him

Williams gaze shot to them, trying to keep his eyes away to limit the affect of the impact on him. it was not working as much as he would of hoped, still alarmed and filled with panicked adrenaline.

Mikes gaze was seemingly...intrigued. The teenager was watching at Evan struggle, trying to pry himself out of the bears mouth. He was shaking and sobbing still, the shaking not helping his feeble attempt at escape. 

William was a little shocked by this- though this was overtaken once again by fear and panic. the odd feeling of pride running through him made him more afraid then he would like to admit.

"Michael!!! Pleas-" Evan cries out but is cut off by a crushing sound. The robot bit down on the boy, blood splattering everywhere. It was on the robots mouth, michaels face, shirt and hands. The red fluid stained the other boys shirts and a couple drops were on their faces.

Mike doesn't register this at first, his gaze still unsettlingly happy and entertained. Once the other boys recovered from their shocked silence, they had immediately run off.

William stops . Everything seems suddenly slow, staring at the scene. Anger welling up and grief that struck him harder than he would of thought. His eyes linger on Michael, watching his expression and reaction; eyes occasionally drifting to Evans body. The sight of his youngest child's limp body was not helping his emotional well-being in the slightest. 

Mikes expression slowly turns into horror, staring at the blood on his hands and coating his brothers body.

"Oh that's very strong emotion... Glitch muses.

"it'll get even better.. Look, here you come now!!" The rabbit chuckled, eyes glinting as they glowed purple.

William didn't usually think about his sons reaction , what Mike had done left him furious and fuming. He clenched his fist, flexing his fingers now and then. Will ended up letting out a angered hiss, once more trying to ignore Glitchtrap . He averted his eyes to Michael, reading his  expression with a small amount of surprise. 

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now