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William wakes up in the morning, a little confused as to where he was at first. "Argh- what- where-" he sees the viles on the table and suddenly the night before came rushing back to him. 

"SHIT must of fell asleep -"he says to himself rubbing the back of his neck and standing up. as he stood up a bit of sunlight shined through the window in his bedroom and he sheilded his eyes from it before realizing what that meant. 


it was morning-

"FUCK-" he started to scramble to pick up everything, wanting to get home before michael woke up. He wasnt sure how mike would react to him sneaking out of the house. strangely enough, he didnt want to fuck up their relationship anymore. he shook of the thought and shoved different things in drawers and cabinets.  He looks at all of the viles for a moment, still a little dazed from sleep. William was rushing in his slight panic to get back to mikes place. preferably before his son woke up.

 "uh ok - 1...2..3- oh FUCK IT -" he grabs all of them hastily and puts them away only semi carefully, guessing him thinking one was missing was some sort of miscount. He puts the vile he had been working on creating in his pocket. For a moment he looks down at himself, debating on if he should at least change his shirt but it was pretty late in the morning as said by the clock on his wall. Didn't want to risk another argument if he had been out all night even if he felt extremely gross seen as his shirt was bloody and sweaty. He could always come back later anyways.

In Williams haste, he didn't notice the little twitch of the old rabbit suit next to the table.

Back at the house Michael still hadn't bothered to wake up, number one he was exhausted after the previous day. Number two he was in pain still. And number three?

number three he was just being a bit lazy.

Will leaves his room shutting the door over quickly, half running down the stairs to the front door, looking like a bit of a mess from sleeping at the desk. He opens the door locking it, eyes strained not use to the sudden brightness seen as he wasnt awake a short while ago.

he leaves the house at a fast pace, nearly tripping several times on the concrete. he cursed to himself when he did that but didnt fal;. Will eventually made it to mikes house breathing heavily. Gosh he was out of shape.. . He opened the door, and carefully walked inside. The older man sighed as he closed the door, and sits down mor then a little out of breath. He tried to control his breathing before michael woke up at all and saw him. 

Meanwhile, back, at wills house the suit... wakes up and looks at its hands, almost confused it's alive. it turns the fabric covered palms around and studies them a bit. Then it proceeded to get up and look around the room a bit as it gained more and more consciousness.

At the same moment michael was beginning to wake up as well. the young man groans a little as he wakes up, due to the pain in his leg, and back in his hand. 

He sits up and looks down at his leg, the t shirt had soaked up a lot of the blood that had been there. No longer was it the faded white color, but a nasty light brownish color from the dried fluid. Michael sighed. No point in trying to save it now... oh well. He decided to just get up now... he needed the painkillers anyways. Michael wasn't completely sure how the medicine worked while he was dead but was grateful it did. 

(authors note: i try and include a bit of logic in my au- a good bit actually- but when it comes to michael being dead and all that- a lot may not make complete sense and i'm sorry for that.)

Will sat there, managing to calm his breathing before turning off the tv . He guessed mike wasnt up yet by the lack of presence right now... Maybe he should go check on his oldest son... just to make sure he hadn't done any stupid shit like william had. 

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now