Ch.2 Page 12

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"Can-can I even die anymore "Mike asked in a hushed tone.

 "Possibly...if anything happened to your physical form " Will muttered as they came around to the car. 

"Honestly I dunno, I don't know how you are even here.." 

"Good to know..." the young man murmurs.

Now they where at the car , william would swiftly pull the car keys out and unlock the door

 "well... you could be here another way but-uh well- " his mind seems to drift as he changes the subject.

Michael looks at his father curiously, but brushes it off making a mental note to ask him about it later.

 " hey- uh- ima open the car i might have to move temporarily to get it open but you can um, ya know sit down after that "

"...oh ah...thats fine- i- i can stand for a second i think" Mike puts his good hand on the car to steady himself, pulling away from his father. He grimaced as he did but didnt cry out.

Nodding william shifts , opening the door to the passenger seat and gesturing to his son.

"you can sit down if you want, uh ima go get some of the stuff to help you a little " his voice goes a little hoarse for a moment but he doesn't seem to notice. Will opened the back car door to rummage through the box of stuff he had grabbed.

Michael winces as he walks over, carefully sitting down in the car.

William pulls out a few bandages and a packet or two of antiseptic wipes as well as a small jar of pills.

Meanwhile, mike looks at his right hand; it was pretty beat up and almost unrecognizable. It was a bloody mess, quite literally. his fingers where in impossible positions and his glove was crushed into his hand. He attempts to try to take off the glove, wanting to see how stuck it was inside his skin.

Will walks over with the medical supplies, abruptly shutting the back door. He  started looking at michael with a questioning gaze until he realised what the young man was doing. His face fell once he did.

Mikes face distorted into a pained expression as he touched his ruined hand, making a small pained sound. He winced and decided to leave it for the meant time, realizing it wasnt going to do anything except cause him more pain. Mike dropped his hand carefully, sighing sadly as he did so.

"Oh god-" william murmers.

 " your..." he sighed. 

"i got some stuff to help...Fucking hell that thing did hell to your hand -"

Michael smiles sadly at will, covering up his pain.

"Yeah least ennards gone now..." mike says, smile slightly dropping

"....What all you got in there-"  he says leaning over after a few minutes of silence.

William looks a little distant for a moment before he responds to him.

" oh- meds, antiseptic wipes, bandages, just basic stuff.... erm- you wanna take
the pain killers to ease some of the pain before you know bandaging-?"

"Huh- oh yeah- yeah definatley.... although im not sure how much good bandaging it will do- i mean.. its pretty broken-" mike glances at the ground

"Yeah, Thought so -" the older man opens the top of the bottle and takes two out 

" they are pretty strong which i'm guessing you will uh need right about now - "he passes them to michael. 

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now