~Still, Years Ago~(Backstory II)

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(A/N- I forgot to mention that when I go
insert words, that means an example of what was said in Spanish. So if I have dialogue saying "Perro" or dog, then I will put
my puppy to give you non Spanish speaking peeps a general idea of what was said)

Still, Years Ago...

I opened my eyes to a dimly lit room. I realized I was laying on a bed. Where was I?

A hushed voice was talking as if it was speaking to someone else, but I only heard one person.

I got up from the bed and felt so tired. I slowly got closer to where the noice was coming from, there was a light on in the room that the noise emitted from.


There was a pause.

The door then gently opened showing my mother in what looked to be a bathroom. She said a few words into the phone before ending the call. Strange.

She looked at me, then she hugged me. I hugged her back still a little confused. She had a sorrowful look on her face. But why?

"Mi Amor."

She stroked my cheek.  Mamá?

She then picked me up and sat me down on the bed I had woken up on. I was smiling up at her. When she saw my face, she broke. She started to tear up as she looked away momentarily. She was gathering herself up and was now ready to talk.

"Mi bebé."                                                
My baby.

"Ya no puedo tenerte."
I can't have
you anymore. 

"Tanto como te quiero."          
As much as
I love you

"Te tendré que dejar."          
I will have
to leave you

"Hago esto por ti."                     
I do this for you.

"Vivirás en un lugar nuevo."           
You will live in a
new place.

"Allí también serás amado."                 
There too, you
will be loved.

"Vivirás con gente nueva."    
          You will live                                                                   with new

"Te amarán como yo." 
They will love       you like I do.

"La vida será buena."                                        
                          Life will be good

"No tendrás más preocupaciones."     
                                                               You will
                                                       have  no
                                                        more worries.

"Pueden darte una vida
mejor de la que
podría jamás."                                                               They can give                     you a
                                   better life than I                                                                   ever

"Estarás a salvo."                      
You will be safe.

You will be safe...

(A/N- ok so I truly am not loving how short this chapter is. Well anyways I don't think I have anything to say. Hope you guys are doing well, love you❤️)

420 words :)

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