꧁~To Be By Your Side~(Part XL)꧂

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(Big TWs Later on)

I knew it was an act.

As I put the car into drive, all I could hear was her whimpers in my head.

Pounding through the walls of my mind, I heard her voice call out my name in hopeless words.

<<3 Days Ago<<

~María's POV~

Looking down at the piece of paper, I read through what I had written.

As long as I exist upon this earth
Shant I ever not endure consequence?
Now and forever feeling of no worth
What causes one to actually have sense?

To never know why the world still spins
And ever now with how I want to be
As to bring light back to sun, day begins
Could I break free from this bound that holds me?

Have you ever heard the midnight's sad cries?
So silent, so tenderly mild of sound
The ones that can't help but bring tears to eyes
Truly in which loss of hope to be found

Hear me sing along with the melody
Playing the flute with only emotion
The chorus of our weeps for remedy
Much more than the blindness of devotion

But then again I long for such nights now
With tiring, hatred filled, brutal days
How could one ever not find to allow?
Allow me such nights that will bring calm ways

No one to expect, no one to demand
One has slow moving time in their favor
No guilt, no blame, no who that reprimand
Just peace and soft sorrows, something to savor

In bed not to feel the world spin to fright
The only thing that I can count upon
Is the silence that comes with quiet night
The world is quiet until coming dawn

With all to give and none I to receive
With all to find and not be found; you perc've

Tears formed in my eyes as I put the paper down and stared out the window, it was pitch black, and the world was quiet.

Wondering if the poem was good enough to submit for the writing assignment from yesterday, I looked back at it.

Yeah it's going to be turned in a day late, but I can make up a lame excuse.

I sighed as I turned to the direction of my clock on the nightstand.

The clock read:

11:52 pm

I wasn't even the tiniest bit of tired, meaning either I fall asleep for a few hours, or don't sleep at all.

My anxiety is rising.

I'm just trying not to hit the breaking point, I've been successful this far on keeping it within.

Just don't think about it, don't think about it.

It was extremely evident that how I really felt, hadn't been let out.

All I need to do, is keep pushing it away...


~Techno's POV~

As I kept driving, she was all I could think about, to hear her cry's through the phone was destroying.

"P-please... I need... you- please."

I needed to be by her, I needed to comfort her.

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