꧁~Somber Emotions~(LII)꧂

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I was hysterical, blind with heartache.

The thought of talking to him made my stomach churn.


There it was again. That voice in my head.


It was always different from the usual ones, very different, instead of being my own voice, it was that of an older woman's.

And it was what she said, that was truly confusing.

'Mi Amor'

Mi Amor. Mi Amor, Mi Amor, Mi Amor.

It was like she addressed me as that. Like it was a name.

'Lo siento.'

'Lo siento. Amor, perdóname.'

Did I ever really know what she was saying? Not exactly.

What I did know, was that when she spoke, she almost always sounded remorseful in her words, not that I knew what she was remorseful about.

"María, I'm sorry."

Turning my attention to the door, I came back to reality.

Lips sealed, my mouth empty of words, no sentences to speak.

"I... I'm a dumbass."

"You d-don't have to talk to me, but I'm begging that you consider listening."

Crossing my arms, I let out a puff of air, relaxing my shoulders.


~Techno's POV~

It was so quiet, that when my phone buzzed, it almost made me jump.



< I'm listening


My heart raced.

"Okay.. o-okay, you're listening.. you're listening," I thought out loud.

Roughly wiping the tears forming in my eyes, I desperately tried to compose myself.

"María, I'm so fucking sorry, I didn't think about what I was doing."

"My intention was NEVER to hurt you, I need you to believe that; I care about you so fucking much, it kills me that I can't look you in the face and say this."

Falling to my knees, I felt so defeated.

I leaned on the door and looked down at the phone.

~María's POV~

All of a sudden my phone began to ring.

...Incoming call from...
★ Techno ★

Even with a moment of hesitation, I still declined the call.

What's he trying to do?



< ?

I just wanted to know
if you were still
there >

I hope you don't
mind me leaning on
your door btw >

< can't say that i do

though you may be
sitting there for a
while if you're
waiting for me to
< come out

I guessed so >

you're really
< waiting for me?

Yeah, María, I am >

< why?

Because I can't leave
knowing that I left
you hurting >

I promised you
something, and then
I broke that promise.
I'm not the kind of
person that hurts
others on purpose >

so where did you
< go? When you left

I went home to
change and other
stuff >

< when did you leave

I think around 10 >

    you said you were
< only gone an hour

I was wrong earlier
then >

< hmm... alright

What? >

    you were gone for
    around two hours,
    and managed to not
    say anything to me
< about it

I know I messed up,
I was busy, I should
have thought about
it >

    whet do you mean
< you were busy?

Uh, my sibling were
talking to me about
something >

< oh. okay


Turning my phone off, I leaned my head back onto the wooden door as well, taking in the homely aromas around me.

For all I knew, Techno was leaning on the other side of the door, a single board between us, but a void of emotions separating us.

Somber emotions, that is.

(A/N- Why hello there! I wonder if you have noticed I am on a three day streak of updating! All of a sudden, I feel like I may be ready for daily updates again, maybe.

Also, I really liked this chapter, it was short but got my point across that María isn't inherently mad, just angered & disappointed. Overwhelmed with herself, really. We've all been there, been more than annoyed with ourselves.

I just wanted to say thank you:
For your support, people like you honestly keep this story going!

Love you❤️)

(Hamster Fact: Hamsters can actually eat certain types of baby food and snacks, the organic ingredients in such foods are very good for a hamster's nutritional health as well as tasty to them.)

690 words :)

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