꧁~The Key & Lock~(Part XXIII)꧂

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"My past still haunts me, but I never thought it would catch up to me."

Then I remembered something.

I wiggled out of his arms and stood up, making my way around the couch.


He was obviously confused, but I wasn't going to waste time by telling him what I was doing. I was going to show him.

This is the key.

I walked up the stairs as a arm held onto me.

The truth is the lock.

"María?" he said again, "what are you doing."

After yanking my arm away from him, I kept marching up the steps.

He tried to hold my hand multiple times, but I didn't want to hold his.

"Go away!" I finally yelled at the boy.


"GO!" I ordered.

As I turned back around, I could hear his footsteps fall, he was going.

I made it up to his room and grabbed my bag, then I made my way back downstairs.

My head hurts.

When I got back to the living room, I saw him just sitting on the couch quietly.

His back was to me, so I just took the 'key' out of the bag and tapped him on the shoulder.

"The truth is the lock," I said.

I pushed it in his direction. I had a blank face.

"And these are the key."

He took it from my hand and examined it.

After I handed it to him, I walked around so I could sit on the couch.

~Techno's POV~

She handed me two notes.

I read the first.


ᗞ𝑒𝑎𝘳 𐌑𝑎𝘳í𝑎 Aח𝘥𝑒𝘳ട੦ח,

𝗅'𝗆 Ꮒ𝑎𝗉𝗉ყ 𝗍੦ 𝘬ח੦𝗐 𝗍Ꮒ𝑎𝗍 ყ੦𝘶 g੦𝗍 𝗆ყ ח੦𝗍𝑒, 𝘶ח𝖿੦𝘳𝗍𝘶ח𝑎𝗍𝑒ɩყ 𝖿੦𝘳 ყ੦𝘶, 𝗍Ꮒ𝑖ട 𝑖ടח'𝗍 ੦ѵ𝑒𝘳.
𝗅 Ꮒ𝑎ѵ𝑒 𝑎 ੦𝖿𝖿𝑒𝘳 𝖿੦𝘳 ყ੦𝘶, 𝗅'ɩɩ g𝑖ѵ𝑒 ყ੦𝘶 ⱃ𝑎∁𝘬 ყ੦𝘶𝘳 𝗉Ꮒ੦ח𝑒 𝑎ട ɩ੦חg 𝑎ട ყ੦𝘶 𝗍𝑎𝘬𝑒 𝗍Ꮒ𝑒 ח𝑒𝘹𝗍 ח੦𝗍𝑒 Ꮒ𝑎ח𝘥𝑒𝘥 𝗍੦ ყ੦𝘶.
𝘖Ꮒ 𝑎ח𝘥 𝗍Ꮒ𝑒 ട𝑎𝗆𝑒 𝗍Ꮒ𝑖חg 𝑎𝗉𝗉ɩ𝑖𝑒ട 𝑎ട ɩ𝑎ട𝗍 𝗍𝑖𝗆𝑒, ყ੦𝘶 𝗍𝑒ɩɩ ੦ᥒ 𝘶ട, 𝗐𝑒 ɩ𝑒𝑎𝘬 ყ੦𝘶𝘳 𝗉Ꮒ੦𝗍੦ട 𝗐𝑖𝗍Ꮒ 𝗍Ꮒ𝑎𝗍 ƿ𝑎𝘳𝘬𝑒𝘳 ⱃ੦ყ.

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