꧁~Our Day~(Part XXX)꧂

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As I let the girl down, I made sure that she wouldn't fall, so my hands were placed on her hips.

"Uh... Techno?"


She giggled, "you can take your hands off of my hips now, I'm fine, I promise."

Quickly, I removed my hands from her body and apologized over and over.

"Oh shut up," she playfully pushed me away before she kept walking up the path.


As I followed María, I heard her begin to sniffle.

Taking her in my arms from behind, I held the upset girl.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?"

Did I just call her that?

She tried to move away, but my hold on her was too strong.

"It's just not going to be like this," she mumbled as she kept trying to squirm away from me.

"What's not going to be like what?"

She paused, "life isn't going to be like this."

"Life isn't going to be okay without you," she turned to look at me.

"I feel better when I'm around you, so what will it be like when you aren't around?"

My heart plummeted.

"Whenever you need me," I put my hands on her small shoulders, "I'll be there."

She gave a weak smile, before breaking loose of my grip and walking away from me.


The walk home was silent, but not awkward, just a mutual agreement of peacefulness.

We grabbed our things from inside the car. I reached for my phone, only to see it was blowing up with texts.



What are you doin
today? >

hello? >

Stop ignoring me >

i Just want to talk >

that's it>

I'm coming over >

I'll be there in
a bit >


"Shit," I accidentally said out loud.

"What's wrong," she shut the car door and looked at me.

"It's nothing," I responded as I slammed my car door shut.

I shut off my phone and put it in my pocket.

She crossed her arms.

"Really, it's nothing important, today is our day."


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