꧁~The Act (5)~(Part XXXIX)꧂

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Quiet shuffling was led with a prolonged sigh.

"Sorry about that, it was just my sibling coming to bug me."

This bitch-

"It was nothing important."

Nothing important, my ass.

Turning away from the closed door, a thought ran through my mind.

Chris isn't home from practice yet, is h-

"Hey Lil."

Jumping away from the sudden voice, I leaned against the nearest wall to hold myself up.

My eyes began to focus on the person as words formed, "what the f-"

That's when I realized that there was a long haired, medium height, woman in front of me.

"Oh," I took a breath, "h-hey mom."

"Geez, you okay sweetie?"

I gave a little nod and a small smile.

She smiled back at me and raised up a basket of laundry, saying , "these are yours."

"Oh, thanks."

Taking the basket from her hands, I turned the other way and walked to the doorway of my room.

I made sure to wave my mom a quick goodbye before slipping through the crack of the door and closing it with the back of my foot.

Dropping the basket on my bed, I began to take out the clean laundry.

Putting the - already folded - clothes in neat piles, I sorted out each article of clothing.

When everything was sectioned nicely and to my liking, I went over to my walk-in closet.

Placing normal clothes in my dresser, and the nicest clothes in my wardrobe, I hung my favorite things on racks.

He's been acting strange lately.

Once I finished putting everything away, I closed the door to the closet, and went over to my bed.

And who exactly is María, when did she show up in the picture.

I looked towards, and out the window, the sun was on the brink of setting, it was getting somewhat late now.


After walking out of the locker room and out of the main lobby, I waited on the sidewalk of the curb for my ride.

There was a buzz that came from the phone in my hand, looking down, Lily's name popped up.

I accepted the call and held the phone close to my face.


"Ughhh, where are you?"

"You sound like you're in a bad mood."

There was a pause, then a heavy sigh.

"Where. Are. You?"

I could hear the signal in her voice, the one where she communicated that she wanted you ask how she was, without her asking you to.

"I just got done with practice," I rolled my eyes, knowing she couldn't see, "what's wrong?"

"Nothing... just wondering where you were."

"No, come on, seriously, what's going on?"

"It's nothing, just about our brother."

I gave a soft chuckle, "what did he do this time?"

"It's about his change in behavior and how he's acting."

"What do you mean?"

I focused more on what she was saying.

"He left in a hurry just a few minutes ago, he was streaming one minute, and the next, he was rushing out the door."

Taking a moment to think, I tried to make a reasonable explanation for his actions.

He never just stops streaming, it's just not something he quits in a minutes notice.

Wait... he did the same thing a few nights ago, it was so sudden, and then he came back hours late-

"Chris, you there?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm still here."

There was a quick moment of silence.

"This isn't like him."


"He hasn't been home as much, he streams less often, not to mention the girl-"


"Yeah, Techno had this girl over like two days ago."

Immediately, someone came to mind.

"Who, María?"

"W-wait... you know about her?"

<<7.3 minutes ago<<

~Techno's POV~

All of a sudden, she hung up the call.

I need to go, now.

Quickly unmuting the stream, I spat out the words,

"Sorry, uh... I have to... go, sorry... bye!"

Ending stream, I shut off the pc and grabbed a bag. Putting in my phone, charger, wallet, etc.

As I slid the bag over my shoulders, I wasted no time in taking my keys from the nightstand and running out the door. Rushing down the steps, I heard a door behind me open.

"Where are you going?"

Glancing over my shoulder, but not stopping, I spotted Lily at the top of the steps, looking at me.

"I'll be back sometime," was the last thing I said before I flung the front door opened and then slammed it shut.

I knew María wasn't okay.

I knew it was an act.

(A/N- Yeah I know, I've been gone... but hopefully I can pick up my act. I promise I haven't forgotten you people, I have actually really missed you. I don't really have the motivation to go into explanation, but just know I'm working to get more chapters out for you, remember that I love you ❤️)

(Hamster Fact: The oldest hamster in captivity, lived to the age of four years and six months.)

836 words

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