꧁~On a Sunday~(LXIII)꧂

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The girl passed out a little while ago.

So here I sat, on the end of my bed, watching as she snuggled up to my pillow, Floof beside her.

All of this happening on a Sunday, making my life more unexpected than I could have ever imagined.

Not to mention the idea that had sparked a few days back, so now I was just trying to convince myself to ask her.

I had planned on asking her today, or at least telling her about it, but I knew it wasn't exactly the perfect time for that in this moment.


"Hey, mom?"

Looking up from her desk, she smiled when she saw my face, "yes, sweetheart?"

"Remind me again, when do we leave for the wedding?"

"Three days," she sighed happily, something stirring in her brain, "why do you ask with such a hesitant look on your face, darling?"

"Well, I was just thinking... what if I brought María?"

Placing the papers in her hands, on the table, she gave all her attention to me, eyeing curiously.

"She's a very lovely girl, but may I ask, why?"

Tempted to say 'never mind,' I still answered, "because she's a dear friend, and I think she'd enjoy Gatlinburg."

"Also, she can meet Father, and be my plus one."

"What about Allison?"

Looking down at my feet, I gathered myself and faced her again, "Allison would prefer not to come, and if she does, she would come with her family."

Holding a stare, she said, "you do realize that if you are seen with María, many will think she's your date?"

Nodding, I felt my body tense as she kept her gaze.

"I'm aware, but that's not what she would be, she's a friend, mom."

"So you've said," she retorted lightly, "but more likely than not, you will be expected to bring a date, so that would only lead to one thing..."

"You're kidding," I crossed my arms.

"Nothing has to be stated outright, but you have to understand where I'm coming from."

"I have no real problem with her joining us, but this seems to be a conversation to have with her, especially now that you know your options."


I want her to be there with me, it will probably be nice for her. She's been through so much, she needs a break.

Listening to the running water, I felt my body relax, allowing me to close my eyes and breathe.

I put a little note on the bedside table, and I texted her phone, both telling her that I'd be here.

Grazing my hand over the marigolds, I thought of her. She was all I could think about in those moments.

~María's POV~

My head was killing me.

"D-damn it Floof," I said with a level of hatred for my own voice, "I-I'm drunk... aren't I?"

The tears fogged my vision, but I couldn't bring myself to wipe them away.

"Why d-did I d-do this?"

Falling back into the pillow, I closed my eyes, trying to succumb to the sleep I had awoke from.

The weight on my chest and the knot in my stomach, blended into a mixture of torment.

I've done this to myself, but I still don't want to believe it.

Holding back the urge to scream at myself, or start sobbing uncontrollably, I laid in my own despairs, in someone else's bed.

Feeling guilty wasn't new to me, but it never changed the fact that I wanted to die every time.

I'll never find the words to describe his kindness, his selflessness, but he shouldn't have to take care of me, it's not his job to.

No matter how grateful I am, everything stays the same: it's my mistakes and actions that place me where I am, therefore it's my responsibility to that face the consequences.

As ridiculous as that could have sounded, I hoped that anyone who knew of my headspace, would at least try to understand me in some way.

~Techno's POV~

She's experienced more than anyone should, yet I can't help but think she thinks it's not enough.

Walking up the pavement, I studied the patterns of every step I took, of every twig and leaf that broke beneath my feet.


Filling a glass with ice and water, I grabbed the pills from the cupboard.

Mother had come home drunk more than once, not that it ever bothered me, or that she was a problematic drinker, but it meant that I knew what to do.

Making my way up the stairs, I heard the car doors open and close.

How did I not even realize they were here?

Rushing my pace, I opened the door to my room in a quiet, but quick, manner.

I felt as eyes landed on me.

"Oh," I said with a smile tempting my expression, "you're awake."

"M-my head, kinda h-hurts."

Closing, and locking the door behind me, I came closer to her, sitting the water on the nightstand.

"I know, I know," I responded with a caring tone, opening the bottle of meds, "here, I need you to take these two ibuprofens."

As I handed the tablets to her, she grabbed the glass and swallows the pills with the liquid.

With a quick tug on my sleeve, she pulled me beside her, wrapping us in a hug.

Holding her with both my arms, I felt reassurance knowing she was safe with me.

"Thank y-you," her voice eased.

She mumbled something more to me, but I couldn't make it out. I felt as her weight shifted onto me, her breathing becoming slower and steadier.

Placing a kiss atop her head, I whispered, "you're welcome.. love."

(A/N- Y'know, I was going to keep going, but I figured I'd leave it there because that's lovely! Tell me what you thought. I love you! ❤️)

(Hamster Fact: Hamsters are one of the most popular rodent pets in America.)

1000 words

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