꧁~Please Don't Go~(XLII)꧂

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She leaned on the wall of pillows.

I sat there and looked at her for a moment before speaking, "how are you feeling?"

"Oh, I'm so exhausted, my body is drained of energy."

I nodded and watched as she pulled the covers higher to her chest.

"You gonna try and get some rest?"

"Mhm," she sighed softly, sounding tired.

Gradually beginning to stand up, I leaned towards her, and gently ran my fingers through her long, silky, hair.

She really was something else.

After giving a smile, I tried to step away, but I was stopped by a tugging at my sweatshirt.

I glanced back at the girl.

"What's wrong?"

That's when I saw her face.

In silent pleads, her deep brown eyes gazed into mine. I could practically feel her distress.

The words she spoke were breathy, "no, Techno, please... please don't go."

Tears welled up in her eyes; she looked at me in desperation.

My heart sank beneath the ground on which I stood to treasure her.

I was quick to be at her side, she helplessly snuggled herself in my chest.

"Just don't leave.. don't go..."

Wrapping my arms around her, I reassured her of my heart's desire, "I'm not going anywhere, I'm not leaving you, I promise."


I studied the sleeping girl who clung to my side.

Watching her chest would rise and fall, the sound of her gentle breathing was enough to relax me. It was comforting to hold her, to know she was safe within my presence.

~Chris's POV~

Music played, but the car was otherwise silent, it wasn't usually like this after practices, but I was zoned out.

After several minutes of it being the way it was, the music stopped, and it was quiet. It confused me at first.

Admittedly, I had for a split second, forgotten where I was.

"Okay, why are you so quiet?" a voice finally spoke up said, "you're never this quiet, especially not after practice."

I looked over and saw my mom's finger on the volume button.

"What's going on with you?"

"It's nothing, practice was just tiring today."

She grumbled, "I know that's not it, tell me the truth."

"I did."

She proceeded to stay silent for a moment or so this time.

"Is this about that girl?"

My eyes went wide. Did she know about María?

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Lily told me about her," a smile was now etching the sides of her mouth.


"So what's her name?"

Choking on my own words, she was able to get another sentence out.

"To know that my son, went on a date and didn't tell me, is deplorable!"

I stopped dead in my tracks.


"Wait... are you talking about Olivia?"


~María's POV~

I woke up with warmth snuggling my body.

This is nice.

Stretching my arms, I was lost in thought when I was interrupted by a voice.

"How'd you sleep?"

Looking up, I realized Techno was right there, holding onto me. I gave a soft chuckle and replied, "very good, thank you for asking."

I put my hand over my mouth as I yawned.

"Are you feeling better?"

"I think so, I'm a tad drowsy, but I did just wake up, so you have to give me some credit here."

He nodded, but didn't say anything else.

"So what time is it?" I asked.

Taking a glance at his watch, he kind of whispered, "9 pm."

"You were asleep for two hours."

I hummed as a response.

"Oh, and your family came in like an hour ago, but I made sure that the door was locked."

Turning to face him, "yeah, we don't have to worry about them, I usually don't talk to them during the night anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I kind of eat dinner and then dash, then I shun them for the rest of the night, it's just how it is."

~Techno's POV~

María looked back at me and smiled.

I lightly tapped her nose while saying 'boop.'

She returned the gesture, making me smile too.

"You're adorable-"


I had accidentally let that slip, it was just supposed to be a thought.

"I know," she gushed as she ruffled my hair.

I let her play with my hair for a bit, relaxed by her tender touch.

The sensation was something I didn't want to stop. Something that shouldn't stop. That can't stop.

This is nice.

~Lily's POV~

"You're going to be so proud of me."

"Ooo, what did you do girlie?"

"I convinced my family to let us go to Gatlinburg two weeks before the wedding."

"No way, how did you do that?"

I smiled as I spoke, "so I told dad that since the Canelas, O'Carina, Lavey, Harperson, and Strysces, family's will be there a week prior to the wedding, we should be there two weeks prior to show our status."

"And I told mom that since this is her brother's daughter's wedding, we should be there for our family."

"I knew I taught you well, you've improved on your persuasion skills."

"Definitely, so have they set an exact date?"

"Diane says September 9th, she wanted to move it to an earlier date again," she went on, "and of course father said yes, so that would mean that you get here August... 26th I think."

"Oh, wait... that's nine days from now."

We go to in nine days.

(A/N- Kind of a big chapter coming, but who knows. This was also kind of a big chapter on a small scale.

Also, I forgot to address this, but remember that poem from a few chapters ago... yeah I wrote that. I made a few changes to fit the story, but it's a legitimate piece of mine. I was somewhat hesitant to put it in my story writing. but I'm honestly kind of proud of it, and I wanted to share it!

Love you ❤️)

(Hamster Fact: The first domesticated hamster, was the Syrian Hamster.)

1000 words

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