꧁~Protector~(Part VIII)꧂

958 38 22

(A/N- there will be a TW later on)

Beep, beep, beep, beep

I groaned at the noise emitting from the alarm clock. I pressed the stop button, and then...


It was 5:30 a.m.

As much as I wanted to stay in bed, it was a school day.

I threw the covers off of myself and sat up. I reached to my nightstand for my phone. When I remembered it wasn't there, I sighed in annoyance.

I stood up and walked to the doorway. Turning on the lights, I went to my closet and turned the light on in there too. I picked a outfit and dressed myself.

A hoodie and leggings will do.

I walked downstairs feeling dead inside. I opened the cabinets and grabbed a pop tart. I nibbled on it until the clock read:

6:00 a.m.

I walked to the hallway bathroom and I put deodorant on, I brushed my teeth and my hair.

My long black hair.

As I walked out of the bathroom I heard three voices.

"Dad! Can you make me eggs?" one whined.

"Marcus, you're a senior, make it yourself."

I heard the third begin to laugh.

"Charlie don't laugh, you're not any better," I chuckled at the three guys and walked to the doorway of the kitchen.

"Good morning," I had a smile on my face.

"Good morning, Mary would you like me to make you some eggs?" my father always treated me differently than the two older boys.

I've come to the conclusion that he still feels the need to baby me because I'm his only daughter. It seems like everyone in the family acts the same way towards me, so I'm pretty used to it by now.

"No Dad, I've already eaten breakfast, but thank you!" I answered sweetly.

I pretty much played along with my family's views of me.

I guess I felt bad for my father, he had to watch his little girl grow up and become an adult. I knew he missed the days when we were all younger, but it really seemed to hurt him when he realized that I wasn't the little girl I used to be.

"Ok Mary," he responded with a smile on his face.

6:14 a.m.

"Sooo I heard Mary had a boy over yesterday!" Marcus had a goofy look on his face.

That piece of shit.

"Is that so?" Charlie asked, now grinning wide. These two enjoyed being assholes.

"Wait, how did you know that Marcus?" my dad didn't even turn to look at us, he seemed to be preoccupied with the egg.

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