꧁~Leaving~(Part XXV)꧂

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I texted her, knowing she was probably still in class.


< Hey Becca?

Mar Mar? You found
your phone? >

< yeah.

So what do you need >

also I'm in class, where
have you been >

  can you come
<pick me up?

uh sure, from where? >

< A friends house

who's house? >

   I'll just send
< you the address

Ok? >

   Ill send you his
<phone number too




After I sent her Techno's number, I sat the phone down and laid my head back on the pillow.

~Techno's POV~

I was downstairs getting something for María to eat, when my phone buzzed on the counter.

When I picked it up, I saw something I didn't expect.


Unknown # Calling...


I answered the call.

Just as I was about to tell them that they had the wrong number, I heard a familiar female voice.


Startled by the voice, I tried to recall who it could be.


That's when it hit me.

"Umm, h-hi. Becca?" I asked.

"Wait... wait... who is this?"

"I recognize your voice."

"Well, my name-"

"How do you know María?"


"Why is she at your house?"

I paused.

"My name is Techno."

"We met the other day when you pulled me away from María's brothers," I added.

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