꧁~Count to Ten~(Part XLI)꧂

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"I'd do anything to be by your side."

She grabbed my arm and pulled herself closer.

(Tw: Panic Attack)

Gasping for air, she dug her nails into my sleeve and shook her head.

"I-I can't," she choked on her words, "breathe.."

Trying to bury her face in my chest, I quickly stopped her.

"Don't put your face in my hoodie, it will make it harder to breathe."

I tried to stay as calm as possible, my words coming out slow and steady.

Clinging to my side, she was rocking herself back and forth.

She trembled.

~María's POV~

I'm going to die, I feel like I'm dying.

My hands wouldn't stop shaking, I was losing control of everything.

Someone was truly suffocating me, squeezing the goddamn life out of me.

"María," I heard.

Tears poured out of my eyes, the tightness only grew.

My heart was racing, I'm going insane, I'm going insane, I know it.

"María," a voice said again beside me.

I couldn't even show that I acknowledged it, I felt the dizziness engulf my every thought.

"María, I need you to count to ten with me."

It's Techno's voice.

My left side was going numb, I couldn't feel myself taking breaths anymore, I was scared for my life.

"Repeat after me," he said calmly.

Trying to form the words in my own mouth, he said.


I forced out the repeat.


"Now, two."



I had to stop for a moment, but I eventually responded.


The air was thin, every time I breathed it was like shards of ice pierced my lungs.


"F-f-four, I-I can't."


I couldn't get the word out, I just couldn't.

My heart felt like it was about to burst, but it was less painful than as it was straining, straining my chest.

I'm such a fuck-up.

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