꧁~The Act (2)~(Part XXXVI)꧂

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Falling to the ground, I felt the sting of the impact.

Shutting my eyes, I couldn't bear to watch the world around me as I suffered.

It's all too much.

I was a mess at this point, I knew it.

Just the thought of him, was enough to terrify me in that moment, that moment as I leaned against a row of lockers.

My emotions became heavy as my body felt like it was shutting down.

The images of Drew and I came flashing through my mind, the good and bad times.

And then new memories started to flood my head.

Before this point in time, I didn't remember what that night was like, I couldn't remember.

I've kept avoiding the subject, trying to block out the reality of what he did to me.

What he did to me...

Coming to terms with the truth, seemed impossible.

I felt like I was sitting in a ring of fire, there was no escaping.

No matter where I tried to go, or what I tried to do, I would always get burned in the end.


The voice was close, almost as if it was right beside me.

I opened my eyes and peered to my left.

"E-Ethan?" I blinked a couple of times to confirm if I was really face to face with the boy.

He stared at me.

With my face still warming, I sighed and closed my eyes again.

Just my imagination?

As I was lost in thought for a second or so, I was interrupted by the same boy.

"María, what's wrong?"

His voice soothed my ears.

Picking up my head once again, I was able to mumble out a sentence.

"I really... d-don't... feel well," my words were shaky and uneven.

Ethan placed the back of his hand gently on my forehead, it was cool to the touch.

"God," he sounded concerned, "you're burning up, you're probably running a temperature."

I nodded and began to lift myself up from my sitting position.

The boy stood up and outstretched his hand in my direction.

Taking his hand and letting him pull me up, I said, "thanks."

He let go of my hand as I was now able to stand on my own without too much trouble.

"Have you felt bad all day?"

"Uh, yeah... I have."

With a sigh, he started down the hallway.

"We should probably go to the nurse," he said as he turned to look at me while walking.

I agreed, following behind his footsteps, causing him to glance behind his shoulder from time to time as we walked.

There was an odd pit in my stomach as the back of our hands brushed against each other when I sped up.

Ethan moved his hand in an instant, bashful when he muttered a 'oh, sorry.'

I looked up at him and replied, "i-it's fine."



(38.7 degrees Celsius)

The lady turned the thermometer for me to see.

"I'm guessing this means that I get to go home?"

Did I say that too eagerly?

"Yep," she sighed and looked at Ethan, "and you can head back to class."

He nodded obediently and walked out the door.

With the close of the door, the lady wasted no time getting closer to me.

"Sweetheart, you have more wounds than the last time I saw you," she looked at my neck, "this is very concerning."

Before I could get any words out, she asked the unthinkable, "is there any violence in the household?"

"What, no, god no."

"My parents would never-"

"There are many resources that can aid you, if you ever want to talk," she raised an eyebrow.

I raised a brow in return.

"I'm fine," I said before jumping up and pushing the door open.

When I turned to my left - because the office was on the left - I was again, face to face with the boy.

"Oh, what's wrong?" Ethan looked into my eyes, beaming down at me.

I shook my head and turned away.

"It's nothing," I said as I tried to not choke on my own words, "I just feel sick."

Sluggishly, I walked towards the office.

Only making it a few steps, a hand gently tapped my shoulder, forcing me to turn around.

"I can take you home," the boy's eyes questioned mine.

"No, I can just call my dad-"

"Are you sure?"

I was about to nod, but his expression was of genuine disappointment.

With a blank stare on my face, I sighed and agreed.

Should I be more cautious?

All I have to do is keep telling myself it's going to be okay...

(A/N- Uhh... so I've been gone. I'm so sorry.

I'm very overwhelmed and can't find enough time for writing, so for now, slower updates. Love you ❤️)

(This is a short chapter, but I had to get one out to you guys, so I rushed it.)

(Hamster Fact: Hamsters can travel up to 5 miles in the night [in the wild and on their wheels.])

843 words

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