꧁~Sickly Happy~(XLIII)꧂

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"Dieeee bitches!"

As the words left my mouth, I couldn't hold back the laughter, and neither could Techno.

I spotted a chest on the roof of one of the buildings and immediately made my way over to it.

Once I climbed to the top, I opened and looted the chest.

Someone was quick to start attacking me as I was sorting my inventory.

"Hey Spidermonkey4387 you bitch!" I yelled as I saw that I had been killed by them.

"Shhh," Techno, "you're really loud."

"Also, you're bad at the game."

Looking from the screen, to him, and back to the screen, I said, "okay, first of all, my dad soundproofed my door when I started playing flute."

"Second, I told you I don't usually do pvp or play on servers."

"You play the flute?"

I just nodded.

As I was about to leave the game, I noticed as a random player used a bow to knock Spidermonkey4387 off of the building, I smiled as they - Spidermonkey4387 - fell to their death.


After a few more rounds of Hunger Games (and a few more insults from Techno) I had had enough.

I was tired and had started feeling a bit woozy.

"That's it," I proclaimed, "your turn buddy."

Standing up and moving to the side, I waited for him to swap places with me, but instead, he sat there looking confused, asking, "really?"

I nodded, "I want to see you do it, especially after you mocked me."

"Fine," he rolled his eyes in a playful manner.

Once he was seated, I quickly flopped into the chair beside him.

I need to move closer to see the monitor better.

After scooting my seat closer to his, I stopped and sat back down, just to realize how close he actually was. Close enough to lean on.

With a yawn, I held onto his arm as I placed my head on his sleeve.

"You ready to see me destroy?"

I laughed and said yes.

Let's see if he's good or not.


I sat there, my eyes wide.

"What the fuck?"

Hearing the rumble erupt from his throat, he chuckled at my utter shock and pure astonishment.

"How the hell are you so good at this damn game?"

He shrugged and exited the game.

"It's just skill sweetheart," he said without changing his facial expression of smiling.

And he was smiling proud.

"Why'd you exit?"

I reached for the mouse, but he took my hand and rubbed his thumb against my skin.

"It's time to sleep María."

Looking at the time, it read:

11:12 pm

"It's only eleven-twelve, it's not that late," I said in protest.

"And what time do you usually go to sleep?"


"I don't want to say..."

He sighed, "exactly, you know what your answer is, and the fact that you don't want to say only proves to me that it's time to get in bed."

Unwilling to deny the truth, I stood up and pushed the chair to the side. I hated that he was right, so I kept my mouth shut.

As I crawled into bed, I was about to pull the covers over my body when I realized Techno was just standing there.

What's he doing?

"Why are you just standing there?"

He fiddled with his fingers while asking, "where should I sleep?"

I had to admit, I hadn't really thought about it.

He's not taking my bed, that's for sure.

"There are blankets in the corner of my closet, just get however many out that you want and make a pallet on the other side of the divider."

He nodded and followed my instructions, he understood why he was to sleep there. I couldn't risk getting caught having a boy sleeping in my room, that would be a disaster.


Once he had finished his pallet, he sat in my good desk chair for a bit.

~Third Person POV~

The two kids sat and talked for almost an hour and a half when the girl had drifted into a soft sleep.

The boy looked fondly on the girl, watching as she slept peacefully, the tiniest smile on her face.

He eventually moved the chair back to it's original spot and made his way over to the girl, planting a gentle and faint kiss on her forehead.

Not having thought too much of it, he then quietly proceeded to the pallet behind the divider.
Clueless to the similarities he shared with one who loved another, he fell asleep.

Was he completely unaware of the fact that when he kissed her, hugged her, held her, and thought only of her, that he possibly wanted her? Absolutely.

Had it crossed his mind that there was even of the smallest chance that he was sickly infatuated with her? Not once.

And why was this? I have no fucking clue.

Imagine being so sickly happy.

(A/N- Is that considered breaking the fourth wall? I'm not really sure. Get ready for the next chapter, it's also kind of important to the story.

[I'm having kind of a rough time, so obviously, updates are still going to be slow, but I'm going to keep doing my thing.]

I love you ❤️)

(Hamster Fact: [Here's a strange one that I'll be continuing in the next two chapter] In 2005, a lawsuit was filed because of a hamster that "killed" three people.)

900 words

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