꧁~Her Somebody~(Part VII)꧂

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"Love is difficult."

After she said that, I was suddenly pulled into a tight hug.

I sat there in utter shock for a moment. This girl is literally hugging me.

I didn't know what else to do, so I wrapped my arms around the crying female, and I hugged her back.

I heard her sobbing into my shoulder, but I didn't dare look at her. I didn't know what I was doing.

"It's okay." I whispered in her ear.

"You're going to be okay."

"It's all going to be okay."

What am I saying?

"Do you know why?" I finally looked down at her, she was hiding in my arms. In my grasp.

"Wh-why?" her head still facing down.

"Because I'm here."

She looked up at me the moment I said that. I realized how close we were to each other's faces.

I sat there, staring into her gaze. Her eyes began to sparkle. As the tears twirled down her cheeks, I raised my hand and wiped the droplets from her face.

"You really mean it?" she whispered to me.

I nodded.


As I walked home, I felt a sense of relief. I was tired after such a long day.

But the thought still lingers in my head.

"What did he do to you?" I said under my breath as I walked up to the gate blocking the way of my driveway.

I was about to get my key out of my backpack when the gate unlocked for me.

I walked in the house to have a little fluffy dog greet me. I closed the door, and I sat on the floor.

Mrs. Sherri greeted me as I gave her my jacket.

"Hi Floof!" I played with the little dog.

I grabbed the dog and walked upstairs. He was wiggling in my arms. So energetic.

I got to my room and put the dog on the ground before I walked over to my bed and proceeded to face-plant on the mattress.

Floof tried to jump on the bed with me, but repeatedly failed. I chuckled at the tiny dog and reached down from underneath my bed. I pulled out a tiny staircase and positioned it by my bed.

Floof trotted up the stairs and met me on the bed.

"Floof. It's been such a long day," I scratched the dog's ear.

"You see, I met this girl today."

"Something about her is so intriguing to me," I laughed at a yawning Floof.


It was late.

But all I could think about, was her.

She was so delicate, like a flower. When I looked in her eyes, I saw pain.

She needs someone, so I'll be that someone...

Her somebody.

(A/N- Tbh, this chapter ain't it sis. So I decided to cut it short, it kind of became painful to write. I mean I don't hate-I wouldn't post it if I hated it- but this was more of a filler chapter, it was pretty much written to keep the story going at a steady pace. But I did love the FLOOF made an appearance! Anyways, as always, I love you guys so much ❤️)

(Posting two chapters today because I don't really like this one and because it was short.)

522 words

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