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After an hour with my back against her front door, cursing myself silently for being so stupid, I received another text.



    I don't know if
    you're still there or
    not, but you probably
    want to head on
< home now.

Why? >

    My father gets off
< work at 1:30


I glanced at the time on my phone.

1:23 p.m.

"Damn it," I said under my breath.



I don't want to leave
you though >

Techno, it's probably
in your best interest
to go before he gets
< here

I don't want you to
feel like I'm
abandoning you. >

< I know that

María, I'm so sorry>


Before I could say anything else, the door opened, making me fall backwards.

Standing up quickly, I spun around.

There María was, eyes on me, hand still on the doorknob.

I tried to step forward, "María-"

"I'm serious, Techno," she put both her hands on my chest as I held her chin up, "you should go."

My hands moved up to her face.

"I still want to talk."

She pulled my arms down, placing her hand in mine, she softly said, "not now."

Closing the door behind her, she dragged me down the steps and away from the porch before releasing her grip.

The girl only said one word, "go."

>>>>Three Mornings Later>>>

Stepping onto the bus and walking up the stairs, I immediately noticed somebody.


The girl's eyes flickered up to my own. She paused before picking up her bag and moving it.

"Are you going to sit down, boy?"

I glanced over to the bus driver, quickly saying, "yes, sorry si-... sorry."

Going down the aisle, I sat down beside María, dropping my backpack to the floor below me.

Sitting beside her, had never been so awkward before.

We hadn't talked since Tuesday morning, she didn't reply to any of my messages.

"Are you s-still mad?"

I could feel her eyes on me again.

"No, I'm not mad," she sighed, "I haven't been mad since Tuesday morning, and even then, I didn't stay that way."

"I'm sorry I didn't text you back, I just wasn't ready to start conversation, no matter if it would have been easy or not."

"And I know it sounds bad... but I don't want it to be easy."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well. Techno, when will we start admitting to ourselves that we have some things to talk about?"


~María's POV~

It was time for lunch.

Today had been fine overall. After talking with Talia on Wednesday, I felt a lot more confidence confiding in the group.

Becca was always supportive of me, always there for me, but the group was newer to me. Sure I had known Tyler for three years, been hanging out with Talia for two, Trent since the middle of last year, and Leana a few months ago; but all of them at once was overwhelming, especially in the beginning.

Walking with my tray in hand, I was about to sit with the group, but before I could go that way, I got a tap on the shoulder.

Looking behind me, there was Ethan, a soft smile on his face.

"Hey, you," he chuckled lightly.

"Hey, you," I smiled back at him.

"I was going to ask you to sit with me at lunch in class, but you were busy coping my notes, so I figured I'd ask you now."

"Sure I will!"

He beamed, "great, let's find Becca too."


Finally seated at a bench, I turned to Ethan.

"Look, I'm sorry for being such a lousy partner, life has been less than kind to me lately."

"Listen, I don't mind doing the extra work, shit happens and it's not my place to undermine your struggles."

I grinned at his kind words, knowing I couldn't have scored a better partner for that class.

"Thanks," I gave a nod, "that's means more to me than you know."

I watched as he stabbed his food with the plastic fork, my eyes examining every aspect of his facial features.

Perfect jawline, straight teeth, dazzling eyes-

"Heyo," a voice said from beside me.

Turning to look, it was Becca sitting down her tray and plopping down by me.

"Hey babe."

"Oh, hey Becca," Ethan looked over to where Becca was.

"So María," he began, "are you going to eat something this time?"

I rolled my eyes, saying, "Ethan, you know what the answer is."

"But one can only hope," Becca nudged my arm.

It was nice to be talking with some of my favorite people again.


~Techno's POV~

As I walked onto the bus, I spotted María sitting in our usual seat, and for whatever reason, this put a smile on my face.

I missed her so fucking much.

(A/N- So I have somewhat of an unrelated question, but what should Ethan's eye color be? Blue or green?

Anyways, I really liked this chapter, it was kind of comforting to write the last few parts of this chapter, I like it when María and Techno are content with each other!

Love you ❤️)

(Hamster Fact: Hamsters all have different squeaks, even if they are very very quiet.)

869 words :)

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