꧁~Comfort & Ease~(LXXII)꧂

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Hand in hand, Techno lazily led the two of us down the large hallway, not concerned with the fact that we were far behind the the group and even out of sight, having told them to go on ahead. His volume was quiet as he spoke, saying, "we're sleeping in rooms next to each other, are you okay with that? We can always change it."

"No, I-I don't mind," I shook my head, but I was occupied with other things.

My mind hurt, my thoughts were blurry. The world around me seemed to spin. I was letting my anxiety get to me again. All it did was destroy me piece by piece.

~Techno's POV~

"No, I-I don't mind," she shook her head.

Just by one glance, I could see something was putting her off, but I hadn't a clue what.

"You know, you're always welcome in my room, I don't want you to ever feel alone," I reassured with a smile.

Her eyes set on mine, a smile spread on her face, but it was painfully sad. She slightly opened her mouth to speak, but her lips quivered.

"María, what... what's wrong?"

I could see the tears forming, and with this, I stopped walking. Taking a quick glance around, I made sure no one was intruding on what didn't concern them.

Then, without second thought, I cupped her chin with one hand, as the other caressed her cheek.

Her hands grabbed my arms, scantily trying to push them away, "I'm.. just a bit overwhelmed, a-and you're being so k-kind for nothing."

I wiped away the tears as they began to fall, it was a torment to see her like this, to see her cry.

Wrapping my arms around her small body, I laid my head on her shoulder as my back leaned up against a wall.

"Techno..." she began timidly, but I quickly cut her off.

"Shhh, let's get you to your room."

"I don't," she whispered in my ear, "I don't wanna b-be alone right now."

Holding onto her tighter, I replied, "then you don't have to be, I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere."

I'm not going anywhere without you because I don't want to be alone either.

That was the truth, it wasn't only her, afraid of the loneliness that came when life turned rough, and we weren't at each other's side.

This girl, María, meant so much and more to me than I could have ever predicted the minute I first laid eyes on her.

"You promise?" her voice was shaky.

Lifting my head, our noses were centimeters from touching, my arms around her, her body pressed against mine.

"I promise."

Leaning closer, I planted a kiss on her forehead, wanting to provide more comfort.

In a matter of seconds, she wrapped her arms around my neck, craning it down. Giving a small 'thank you,' and kissing my cheek twice, something swelled in my heart.

"Let's get to the room," picking her up by the thighs to lift her up, she didn't protest, instead, she curled her legs above my hips for support.

After I rid streaks of tears from her cheeks, she laid her head on my shoulder the same way I had earlier.

Locking the door from behind us, I sighed, walking over to the bed. She was tired, I could tell just by simple observation.

Slowly lowering her on the mattress, I made sure to be as gentle as I could.

With her arms still hung around my neck, I was pulled in closer as I let go of her body. Her dark, exhausted eyes, stared into mine.

"You have to let go, María," I kept my voice low.

Shaking her head, the girl replied, "if I let go... will you leave me?"

"Please don't."

My eyes slightly widened, "never."

As I reached out to cup her face, without warning, she slid her hands down and grabbed my arms, pulling me towards her. Rolling over in the bed with the girl, Afraid of hurting her, I let her take control and was easily pinned down.

Her long hair falling on my face, I looked up at her with question.

"What are you doing?"

"To be honest," she broke down in a short, but soft chuckle, "I just meant to pull you into the bed, no intention for all of this."

I smiled, holding in a laugh, "alright."

Continuing, I said, "so I'm guessing you want me to stay in bed with you?"

Feeling the heat rise to my skin, I realized what that sounded like.

"Erm- not... like that- you know.. what I mean."

"I know, and yes, if you don't mind?"

"I-I don't mind at all."

That was the truth, I really didn't mind at all, in fact, I wanted her to want me to stay.

Smiling tiredly back at me, she rolled to the right, facing me, head finding the pillow.

Resting my head as well, I looked her in the eyes. I made sure to keep a considerable distance between us, not wanting to make her uncomfortable in the slightest. Even so, we were close enough for her to reach out and take my hand.

Her touch was cold, sending shivers down my spine.

~María's POV~

His hand was warm, it was a comfort.

Brown eyes watched over me, I felt safe and secure when he looked at me the way he did. He had a knack, for making me feel at ease.

"Techno," I whispered.

My body felt heavy. As my breathing slowed with every deep breath I took, I knew I was gradually falling into sleep.

"Yes?" He spoke in a hushed, but still soft voice.

"Thank you."

Closing my eyes, he said something in response, but I was far too gone to comprehend his words. The last thing I remember was the feel of his hand in mine.

(A/N- Hello, I hope you enjoyed this chapter today! It was meant to be heartwarming and all, so I hope it came off that way! Don't forget I love you! ❤️)

(Hamster Fact: Following up on the last fact I gave, most small rodents in pet stores, including hamsters, are unethically bred, this is why the better option is to adopt, foster, or rescue, not shop.)

1060 words

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