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"I look like him."

I went on, "he has a different nose and ear shape, his hair is a bit darker and thicker than mine, but I'm practically the spitting image of him."

~María's POV~

I could hear the subtle fondness in his voice, yet the words he remarked were considerably colder and more distant.

He talked as if  his dad was only a memory, like the hints of emotion in his sentences were only from reminiscing about someone his father used to be, not who he was anymore.

"I remember you told me he was a lawyer, I guess that's only partly true."

"Yeah.. it is, but let's not get into that right now."

I nodded.

"So tell me more about him."

Techno went silent, squeezing my hand only a little tighter, unintentionally putting pressure on my cut.

I didn't mention it, listening to what more he had to say.

"Father comes around on the holidays and important events."

"When's the last time he came?"

"On my birthday, June 1st, he usually stays all summer," Techno said.

"What about your mother?"

His hold on my hand became looser and his shoulders lost tension that I didn't even know was there.

"She's short, kind of like you," his tone of voice not changing, "but taller than Lily."

I snorted at his unintentionally contradictory comment, "so she's not actually that short?"

"S-she is to me, she's like 5'9."

"Bro, you are tall as shit, of course she's short to you."

He took a moment before he said, "why are you so short?"

I rolled my eyes, completely aware he couldn't see, but not caring.

"It's called genetics, both my parents were short, I never had a chance."

"But this isn't about me, I want to know more about your mom."

~Techno's POV~

"She'd like you," I blurted without any prior thought.


"Actually, both of them would, I'm sure," I answered truthfully.

"But mom would absolutely adore you, she'd love your long hair, and would be interested in your culture too, I'm certain of that," a smile curled on my lips as I spoke.

"I think Father would like you too."

"You sound somewhat unsure."

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