꧁~More Ya Know~(Part XXIX)꧂

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To forget the pain, to forget the wounds on my skin, the damage in my head, heart, and soul.

That's all I wanted.

And he gave that to me.


As we hopped from one stone to another, we kept shooting glances at each other, I didn't really know why and I don't think he knew either.

"So this was really, all owned by your great-grandmother?"

"Yep," he tilted his head in my direction before giving a smile, "and it belonged to her great-grandfather."

I giggled as I thought of this place being so old, it felt odd in a way.

"You're the oldest sibling right?" I said as I took a big step towards another rock.

"Mhm, I am."

"So does that mean that you inherit a lot?"

He stopped moving.

"You... you could say that."

"Why do you sound so uncertain about that?" I asked, "isn't it a good thing?"

"I mean don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for what I have," he began to walk again, "I just want to be successful on my own accords."

I stayed quiet until we made it back to the marble platform.

"So you're saying that you want to make it on your own?"

I grabbed onto his hand as we started to walk so I wouldn't trip.

"Listen, I know it sounds stupid-"

"It's not stupid."


"Absolutely, you want to be your own person, not someone defined by your family's wealth and success, right?"

"Wow, you got that spot on."

"That's because it's easy to understand, you shouldn't feel ashamed of having individuality."

Turning to me, his mouth etched into a frown.

"Why are you so nice to me?"

His eyes began to soften as he spoke, "you're hurting inside, yet you still make sure I'm okay."

The boy's eyes were now sparkling.

Are those tears?

"You're going through so much shit, but you choose to talk to me."

Tears fell down his cheeks.

I rushed towards him and jumped, throwing my arms around his neck, I clung to the boy.

After stumbling forwards and backwards, he caught me.

Holding the side of my legs, his hands squeezed my thighs, so he could lift me up and bring me closer to his body.

Now, I was at eye level with him.

I loosened the wrap of my arms around his neck. I trusted him. I knew he wouldn't let go.

-She knew, he wouldn't let go of her.-

"I care for you."

"When I'm around you, the pain goes away," I whimpered as he tightened his grip on me, but it wasn't painful.

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