꧁~Sunday~(Part XXXIV)꧂

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"Wake up!"

Something was poking my cheek as a boy's voice was talking.

"María, wake up!"

Opening my eyes, I glanced to my side and saw the silhouette of a small figure by my bed.

"What the-" 

"Finally!" a voice cut me off with a shout.

That's when the familiarity hit me.

"Zack?" I blurted, "why are you waking me up?"

I looked over at the clock.

5:27 a.m.

Sitting up, I glanced back at Zack, "It's literally 5:30!"

"Well no," the boy corrected, "it's 5:27."

Curb stomping this kid is looking real ideal at the moment.

"Oh I've never wanted strangle ysfjds-"

The boy just sighed, "I have no clue what you said."

"So what do you want?"

After jumping on my bed, the boy scooted towards me.

"How was Techno's?"

"What?" I snapped my head in his direction.

I couldn't see it, but I could hear it in his voice, he was smiling.

"What did you do there?"

Grabbing my pillow, I smacked the boy.

"This is why you woke me up?" hitting him again, "so you could ask me about what I did yesterday?"

He giggled as I kept going, eventually, I broke out into laughter as well.

"I'm going back to bed," I said to Zack, as I pushed him off the mattress.


"My god, María," my mom looked down at my hand as she stood across the counter.

I just kept eating my cereal.

This was expected.

"What the hell happened to your hand?"

Staring at the woman, I noticed she was all dressed up.

"You're going to church today?" I asked her.

She looked at me in disbelief before answering, "yes, but what happened to your hand?"

Something in that moment, pissed me off.

Lazily, I glanced at my palm.

"I cut myself with a knife on accident, did dad not tell you?"

I couldn't stop the feeling.

"Well actually," I paused, "he probably didn't since you're always out so damn late."

She put her hands on her hips and scoffed at me, "your attitude is completely unacceptable María."

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