꧁~Happy Morning~(XIII)꧂

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"Wake up! Wake up María!"

I felt someone shaking my bed.

"Dad said it's time to get up!"

I lifted the covers and saw a boy staring at me.

"What are you doing up at this hour?"

"I have a project for school that I have to present, so I'm going to school early to set it up."

He stood up straight and showed off his little suit.

"Aren't you a little innovator!"

I ruffled his hair before he swatted my hand away and fixed the messy strands.

"But get up!" he said.

"Mmm, no."

"You have to!"

"I don't have to listen to anything a eight year old says."

"I'm nine!"

"My point still stands little man."

My bedroom door swung open.

"Zack! You're supposed to wake her up!"

"I'm trying here, can't you see?" both of his arms were in my direction.

"Mary get up!" the older yelled.


"That's it!"

The older walked over to my bed and grabbed my hand. He began to pull me out of bed. I grabbed on to my bed frame.

"Charlie you little b-" I looked over at Zack.


"You're getting up whether you like it or not."

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

"See! There's your alarm telling you to get up."

"No CHARLIE! I want to stay in bed!" I screamed over the sound of the alarm while I tried to wiggle out of Charlie's grip.

"Zack turn off that dang alarm!" Charlie  commanded the younger.

"And help me pull her out of bed."

"No. NO. Zack please."

He pulled at my hand that was gripped to the bed frame.

"Sorry María, but dad told us to."

"Noooo!" I whined.

They pulled me out of bed and let me fall to the ground.

"I'm still not cooperating," I stated.

They began to drag me to the door. I was kicking the ground with my heels.

They got me to the doorway when another bedroom door opened.

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