꧁~More People~(Part XVII)꧂

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Where was she?

She never showed up to second period according to the teacher.

She probably made it to third period.

I ignored my thoughts as I navigated my way to Spanish class.

"Hola Señora Pérez," I greeted Mrs. Pérez as I walked in.

She smiled and waved at me.

Taking Spanish last year pays off.

I felt a vibration in my bag.

I sat down in the back row and pulled out my phone.




Listen. we need to talk >

< Can't im in class.

< and no, we don't.

Its important >

< I highly doubt it.

you son of a bitch. >

Im being serious >

< I have to go

Are you kidding >

< bye.

We have to talk later >
Read 11:46


She has the nerve.

She acts like nothing happened.

I put my phone back in my bag and avoided my thoughts about her.

She was perfect.

I listened to Señora talk about her home country, Cuba.

The bell rang.

~María's POV~

I finally made it to class.

Ms. Terry.

"You're late, Ms. Anderson."

"I know, I'm so sorr-"

"My god, what happened to you?"

I looked at her with a brow raised.

This old bitch.

Everyone turned to look at me.

I felt a hand grab mine and pulled me towards a seat.

"What the-"

I turned to see who had grabbed me, and to my surprise, it was this boy I didn't recognize.

"Okay class, turn your Consumer Sciences books to page 134."

"Sorry about that."

"Who are you?"

"The name is Ethan," the boy -Ethan- put his hand out for me to shake.

I took his hand and shook it.

"Uh María," a look of relief covered Ethan's face.

"Thank god, I thought that's who you were."


"I'm Tyler's friend."

Are you serious?

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