꧁~A Favor~(Part II)꧂

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What do I do?

"Techno?" she said as her brows furrowed.

"...Techno..." she repeated it as if she was convincing herself of the name.

"That's a weird name."

Wow... umm... okay, that was straightforward.

I gave a small nod as I diverted my gaze.

"Wait. I'm sorry," she put her hands on my cheeks to make me face her again.

What the-?

"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

We crossed that line a long time ago lady.

"I like your name, I just wasn't expecting it," she put it in a gentle way.

Her hands were cold against my cheeks.

"It's alright, I'm not upset or anything."

I moved away from her touch and leaned back in the seat.

She looks embarrassed.

~María's POV~

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

I was internally kicking myself.

Where the hell is my filter? Where the hell is my self-control?

.Look at you.

"S-sorry," I felt bad.

I couldn't believe my idiocy.

.You're a dumb bitch.

"It's fine, but can I ask you a question?" he eyed me with a hint of curiosity.

His voice is fairly deep.

"Yeah, yeah of course."

"Why did you... uh... sit here?"

I could feel myself holding back a nervous chuckle.

"Umm, well, Techno. You see that guy behind us a few rows down, the one who is staring at us." I whispered to him because I didn't want Drew to hear.

Techno barely turned his head to glance over his shoulder.

"Uh yes," he returned his eyes to me.

"Well... that's my ex, his name's Drew."


"Yeah, and I don't think we ended on good terms."

More like I know we didn't end on good terms.

"Hmm, okay?"

"He seems to be not exactly over the fact that we aren't together anymore."

He cleared his throat and replied, "so that's why you were in a hurry to sit here?"

"Well, that, and the fact that he grabbed me and pulled me into his seat," my words grew quieter as I finished my sentence, "so I sat here because I didn't want to be alone..."

"Oh shit."

There was a gap of silence, giving me enough time to look up at Techno - who was looking down at me.

God he's tall.

~Techno's POV~

I looked down at María, she looked up at me.

God she's short.

"So umm... what are you going to do about him?" I asked her in a low voice.

She shrugged and said, "I'm not sure."

I didn't get to say anything else before she pulled my side down to her level. She put a hand on my shoulder to bring me into earshot as she cupped the other to the side of her mouth.

I could feel her breathing on my neck as she softly whispered:

"Techno, I need a favor."

(A/N- AGAIN sorry for this somewhat of a short chapter. And as always I love you guys❤️)

(Last Updated: February 10th 2021)

(Updated: Re-edited May 16th 2021)

609 words

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