꧁~Our Day Ends 2~(Part XXXIII)꧂

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Lily raised her eyebrows, and I stood up.

"That's Techno," I said to the girl, before I walked out of the room and down the hall.

I could hear Lily following behind me as I rushed down the steps.

"Techno," I called out, "I'm right here."

There were heavy footsteps coming towards the bottom of the steps when I got there.


The boy looked me in the eyes, he was tearing up.

I opened my arms out to him.

"I'm right here," I said again to Techno.

He staggered towards me, like a wounded puppy.

Grasping my body, he buried his face in the crook of my neck.

He held onto me as if I was the only thing keeping him from falling apart.

Even though I was confused, I knew I had to be there for him in that moment.

"I'm sorry about this," his voice was heavy as he whispered in my ear.

I was practically off of the ground at this point, my feet could barely feel the floor.

"What are you sorry about?"

He tightened his grip on me as he spoke, "I'm sorry for not being enough."

I took my hands and put them on his face, moving his head so I could look at him.

Shaking my head, our eyes locked.

"No," tears fell down my cheek too, "no, you will always be enough."

~Techno's POV~

"No, no, you will always be enough."

I'm so lucky to have you.

She was now crying too.

Leaning inward, I kissed her forehead.


"I-I'm going to... uh... go back to my... eh... room," Lily's voice rang out.



I turned quickly, only to see my sister standing a few steps higher than floor level.


"Hey... Techno."

Dropping María, she let out a gasp before falling to the floor.

I took half a second to realize what I had done.

"María!" I said, rushing to the girl's aid.

She groaned before saying, "I'm... I'm fine."

As I helped her get up, I noticed something about her left hand.

"Oh my god, you're bleeding," Lily walked down the rest of the stairs.

María turned her hand and examined her palm, "it's probably because I caught my fall with my hands."

"Let's go get you new bandages."

She nodded and followed me to the kitchen.

"I'm so sorry," I said as I opened the door to the kitchen, "really, I am."

"Please don't be, it's really not your fault Techno," she spoke softly.

"How'd you get the cut in the first place?"

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