꧁~Recalls, New Calls~(LXXIII)꧂

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"María," grasping onto consciousness, my mind made me aware of my name being spoken in a whisper. I opened my eyes.

Gazing back at me, there the boy was. As he pushed a few strands of hair from my face and behind my ear, I could better see the smile forming on his mouth.

I gave a faint, "hey."

He stared at me, and I stared at him, for a moment in silence.

With little hesitation, he pressed his thumb against the very bottom of my lower lip, dragging it to my chin. I didn't know what to anticipate, but I was content with it.

"You're pretty."

In a diffident but still lazy fluster, I fought the urge to cover my face with the blanket bundling me, the blanket he must have put there while I slept. Instead, I only diverted my eyes, my cheeks most likely some shade of maroon, or at least they looked that way in my imagination.

"What time is it?" avoiding acknowledgment, in my mind, I still soaked up the admiration.

With understanding, he didn't seem the slightest bit bothered by my avoidance.

"12:14 p.m."

"Did you wake me up for lunch?"

He nodded, "my mother requested the food be brought to our rooms, but I was thinking you and I could go somewhere outside to sit and eat, what do you think?"

Smiling now, I agreed with the idea.


As I brushed out the newfound tangles in my hair, there was a knock on my door. Walking over, when it opened, the boy grinned, two plates filled with food held in his hands.

I smiled, "I'm just brushing my hair, you can come in if you like."

Nodding, he followed me obediently, pushing the door closed with his foot. He sat the plates down and watched me quietly as I went back to the vanity.

"Do you think I should change?"

Turning my head to look at him, his expression had dropped, he slowly shook his head, saying, "no, absolutely not, you're already beautiful the way you are, what makes you question that?"

I scoffed, holding in a laugh, "I'm talking about my clothes, should I change my clothes?"

"Oh," he started to blush, from what I presumed was embarrassment, "still no... because y-you already look nice."

Walking out of the room, I had tried to take my plate from the boy, but he insisted on holding both.

"So where are we going?" I followed in his footsteps.

As a doorman opened the door to the outside for us, I thanked him quickly.

"You'll see."

Rolling my eyes, I thought back to all the times this scenario had been played through in the past.

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