꧁~The Way There~(LXIX)꧂

217 10 25


8:26 a.m.

People, many of them, were running around the household. Some taking luggage to the limousine, others following Mrs. Billiam everywhere she went, but all of which, dressed head to toe in uniform.

I stood to the side of the bustle, and eventually made it out to the porch once I gave up on waiting for the boy upstairs.

Techno soon came outside in search of me, calling my name. I stood up to walk with him, telling how I had intended to wait inside, but didn't so to not get in the way.

As a uniformed man opened the door of the vehicle, I climbed inside.

"So we're going to a common hanger to board?" I asked Chris while getting situated in the leather seating that curved all the way around the inside of the limo.

He nodded, looking up from his phone to meet my eyes.

~Chris's POV~

Her, the girl my brother looks at as if she's the only one in the world. And it would be a lie to say I didn't know what he saw in her.

But before I could even muster the courage to start conversation with María, Techno was already seated beside her, taking her attention with only a word. Knowing it was a lost cause, I promptly kept quiet.


~María's POV~

The ride there was mostly silent except for a few words between Techno and I.

When we finally arrived and the last door was closed, no one besides me, seemed concerned about our things still inside the automobile. As everyone walked away, I was hesitant to follow.

Luckily, Techno was quick to notice my confusion. He took my hand and led me from the vehicle, saying, "it's alright, we have people coming to get our things."

"Oh, okay."

And with the final step, an instant reminder of the wealth this family had.

"María, let's sit over there," having lost grip of his hand to avoid watchful eyes, I was left with nothing to hold on to other than my carry-on bag.

Once we were in the seats Techno had pointed out, a sigh of relief escaped my lips.

"Something wrong?" the boy asked, attentive as ever.

"I'm just tired... that's all."

The expression he held, was that of concern and worry. It was obvious, he wasn't completely convinced, but he said nothing more to it.

Stressing, my leg shaking, I looked out the window for a distraction. The ground below faded from view.

All of a sudden, my body went still. I glanced over to Mrs. Billiam, whose blue eyes studied me as she folded the backs of her sunglasses.

The woman smiled with soft gaze. My nerves were shot, but I returned the gesture.

As the curtains were pulled back by Techno, a sense of relief washed over me, and I switched to the window seat beside him.

"Look at the clouds," I whispered, like a thought to myself.

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