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The soft smile wouldn't leave my face as we walked back to the house.

Her arm rested in mine as we went up the drive.

She sighed, taking in her surroundings, but I couldn't have cared less about what was around us, just as long as she was there, I was okay.

"Whatcha thinking about?"

The girl returned her eyes to me, "about how fortunate I am to have you, to have all of this."

Pressing my lips against her forehead, words couldn't describe the affection I felt.


~Lily's POV~

"What is this?" I scrunched my nose, "when did I think that owning this was a good idea?"

There's no way I'm packing this for the trip.

"It's not that bad," the girl beside me spoke up.

Looking her way, I sized her up.

"I don't think it would look terrible on you, do you want it?"

A smile crossed her face, "sure, if you're not going to wear it."

It was then, that the front door could be heard opening and closing as Floof lost his mind, barking up a storm.

The girl and I, eyed each other as we heard a female's laughter.

Laughter I had heard before.

Almost as to confirm my suspicions, the deep rumble of Techno's chuckle overwhelmed the sounds.

"Is that Techno?"

Not saying anything, I slowly stood up, opening the door and creeping closer to the banister.

The sounds moved further through the house, and I was ready to follow.

My friend trailing behind me, we quietly descended the stairs.

Turning corners, the voices drew nearer.

The girl had quickly caught on to what we were doing, thankfully keeping herself silent.

They were a turn away, turn the corner, and be face-to-face with the two.

"Ladies first," a door opened, a door to the outside.

I waited for the shut of the door, and let the room become still.

"They went to the main courtyard."

Going forward, I could see them out of the big glass windows.

Keeping my body hidden behind the nearest beam, I felt the girl stand right beside me.

"Who is that?"

It took me a moment to respond, "that's María."


~María's POV~

It was divine, absolutely.

The brim lined with what I could only assume to be real gold liner, rhinestones as tile, and clear water flowing out from the top.

The stone was cold to the touch as I rubbed my palms against the side of the fountain.

"I knew you'd like the fountain."

Not giving him even a glance, I replied, "like it? I love it."

Pulling myself away from it, my feet took me to the boy.

"I've always loved fountains, not really sure why, but I do remember one time when I was younger, my birth mother took me to this one cathedral; I loved everything about the architecture, especially the fountain centerpiece in the courtyard outside."

Luisa was the mother that I should have never lost.

Sometimes the thoughts spiral in my brain, the ones where I think about what my life would be like if I never left.

I'd know my native tongue, I'd appreciate it. All the women would wear those long, vibrant in color skirts. Maybe I'd be a devout Catholic instead of a detached Christian. Not that religion really mattered in my life, but I'm sure that would be different if I was still there.

I left behind a life. I left behind my mother. I left behind the person I could have been.

Fading back into reality, I realized there was a pair of arms wrapped around my body, holding me with warmth.

"Are you alright," the boy asked with gentleness.

"Y-yeah, I just got lost in thought, I'm sorry."

I wiped away tears that had formed in my eyes, swearing at myself from under my breath for letting myself be in that daze again.

Lately I'd been having those thoughts, lately I've been having them too much.

The security I felt being in his arms almost felt wrong, but at the same time, nothing had felt this right.

As I sensed my own identity slipping away, I sensed his grip on me, letting me know that I had someone who would help me.

He was my security in a world that never felt safe to me.

(A/N- I loved this chapter in the ending. What did you think?

Also, get ready for next chapter, it's gonna be kind of all over the place! Love you! ❤️)

(Hamster Fact: Hamsters and Guinea pigs are commonly mistaken to be the same, but they are VERY different.)

776 words

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