꧁~When We Arrive~(LXX)꧂

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I let out a breath of boredom as I turned
my phone off.

Glancing at the twins, I saw that they were both fast asleep, sharing a blanket. I looked at my brother who sat across from me, his eyes were closed and his headphones were on.

I wonder if Techno and María are awake.

Standing up, I didn't give a second thought before I walked out of the compartment and took quiet steps down the aisle.

From what I could hear, the loudest noise was my own shoes pacing against the floor. Calming myself and shaking the nerves off, I lightly pushed back part of the curtain.

Holy shit...

Reaching for my phone, I was startled when a hand pulled me by the wrist.

"What the hell are you doing?"

In surprise, I stepped away, "I-uh..."

Quickly realizing it was Chris, I let out a sigh of relief, "...just take a look for yourself."

Chris paused, then looked over my head, catching view of the sleeping pair. He didn't speak, he just met my eyes again, waiting for me to say say something.

"They just don't seem to realize that if they give a chance with what they have, what they have has the potential to become something perfect."

"What do you think will happen?"

I shrugged, "I don't know, only time will tell what they will end up a-"


The girl brushed away the hair covering her eyes, "is everything alright?"

Techno let out a sharp breath as he stirred awake, grumbling low. María began to tug on his sleeve.

He opened his eyes and looked to the girl, "i-is everything okay?"

His gentle voice wasn't something I expected.

"Yeah... it's just... your siblings are here..." she nodded her head in our direction.

Our oldest sibling, now aware of our presence, sat up, a glare on his face, "what the hell's going on?"

Freaking out, I shoved Chris forward.

~María's POV~

"What the hell's going on?" he sounded mad, which I wasn't sure how to feel about.

Straightening my posture, I watched for a moment as one sibling placed blame on the other and vice-versa.

Techno looked at me with sorry in his eyes. I whispered to him, "it's all good."

In a small voice, I interrupted the siblings.

"If you wanted to sit with us, you could have just asked."

"María, you don't have to be nice to them, you know," Techno insisted quietly.

I just smiled, brushing off his words.

"That's alright María, we wouldn't-"

Chris was cutoff as Lily spoke up, "oh, then do you mind if we sit with you?"

"Not at all."


"Techno, it's fine."

The younger girl sat across from me, Chris seemed reluctant to join us but soon caved in and closed the curtain.

"So, María, how are you feeling about the trip ahead?"

I actually wasn't sure what to expect or how to feel, I hadn't really put all that much thought into it besides the fact that I knew I was excited to spend time with Techno.

"I'm not too sure, actually," I replied truthfully, "this won't be like anything I've ever done before, this posh kind of experience."

They all nodded, obviously interested on what I had to say as more or less, an outsider.

"I imagine our lifestyle may be intimidating for someone like you-"

"Lily!" Chris and Techno both reprimanded.

"S-sorry, I didn't mean it like that," she sounded genuinely apologetic, "I just meant... that I know this will be new for you, since you probably haven't been in this type of situation before."

I chuckled, "don't worry, I understood what you meant the first time, and yeah, you're right, this is new."

She smiled, "exactly, and we're here if you need anything, have any questions, or need to escape an awkward situation or conversation."

I began to blush, the sincerity in her voice made the moment sweeter, "thanks, that means a lot to me."

Turning to the boy beside me, I asked, "so what happens when we land?"

"Well," Techno started, "generally, we'll get back  in the limo and head to our destination from the common hanger, but the common hanger is actually on the estate."

"But don't worry, you won't have to meet anyone other than the estate owners and our uncle."

"What do I even say? Or do I speak at all?" looking into the boy's eyes, my questions built up, "how should I present myself? Where do I stand?"

Reassuringly, he took both of my hands and rubbed his thumbs on the backs'.

In a sweet voice, he said, "you don't have to worry about introducing yourself, our mother will do that; and yes, you can speak when spoken to; you'll be able to stand at my side if you're most comfortable there."

Nodding, I felt a smile softly spread across my lips.

When we arrive, I'll be okay.

(A/N- One month and one week since the last update, I'm back! In truth, it's been hard recently, to keep writing, at one point I even considered quitting for a little while, taking a hiatus... and then I thought about it, and remembered the headspace I was in when I started this book. Long story short, I remembered how much I depended on myself and my writing during times when I didn't know if I would be okay, this book has been written throughout my growth as a person. Although I'm doing better now, I still want to finish this book as a thank you for getting me through stuff. [I hope at least some of that made sense.] I love you! ❤️)

(Hamster Fact: Hamsters can be easily spooked.)

960 words

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