꧁~A Question?~(LXV)꧂

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"I have a question."

My brain wasn't given time to prepare before the words ran from my mouth.

I waited until all eyes were on me, securing the point of no return, no retract.

"What is it honey?"

Every breath I took, I could feel myself begin to shudder. The thoughts in my mind echoing the voices of the sensible, and the irrational concepts stuck to my reasoning.

"May I go on a trip with my friend, Techno and his family, for two weeks?"

It was almost like the air was knocked out of my chest, silence deafening and cold.

"What?" my father put down his fork, staring at me with expressionless, brown eyes.

<<<<45 Minutes Ago<<<<<

"You can't be fucking serious María-"

"Let me speak," I raised my volume, knowing that this time, I was going to be heard.

"Don't dismiss what I have to say, not this time! You think you're doing what's best for me, but you couldn't be more wrong, for once in the past year, let me have the individuality I should have never been stolen of!"

"I am more than just your damn, little sister, I'm a fucking human being."

Charlie narrowed his eyebrows.

"We're trying to look out for you."

"So what?" I almost screamed, "you think that just because of my past decisions, that it makes me incapable of being able to find and involve myself with good people?"

Markus gritted his teeth, "you've known Techno for what? A week? And you want to pretend that maybe, just maybe, there's not that sliver of a chance that he's not the person you perceive him to be? Just like Drew?"

"Drew was always a mistake in my life that I have the punishment of being reminded of, EVERY DAY. You think you can, but you can't even begin to understand how it ruined me. But trust me when I say: This. Is. Different."

"Techno has shown me nothing but respect. I didn't want to mention this, I really didn't... but I was v-violated," the tears stung my eyes as the back of my throat felt sore, "a-and he saved me."

"María..." Markus spoke with a soft voice, bringing me into a hug.

Charlie wrapped his arms around me too, comforting me more.

"J-just let me be happy, let m-me be happy."

Repeating the same words of pain, the relief I felt was pure. It was that moment, when I realized I didn't have to carry my burdens without my family. And although it was just my brothers, the love I felt, let me know I wasn't going to be broken forever.


"I think you heard what I said," I sat up in the chair, grasping at what little confidence I could find.

"Before you try to tell me what's best for me, and go on and on about being smart, allow me to remind you," I continued, "that there is absolutely, nothing going on with Techno."

"There has not, is not, and will not, be anything about him, that should give you the concerns that you have."

Before my father could get a sentence out, Charlie spoke up, "dad, mom, you should let her go."


"She'll be okay, Techno's a good kid," Markus looked over to me.

I couldn't believe what they were saying. I didn't think they would ever come through.

"I-it's true," I turned back to our parents, "and I'll make sure to call every morning and night if you want me to, as well as let you talk with Techno's mom before we go."

The man and woman eyes each other, sharing the same look...

(A/N- So, let me explain the next chapter. It will be confusing if you don't read this: So I made the date incorrect when I first made the story, and for a while I didn't think it was a big deal, but for my future projects and this story to technically make sense, I'm changing the date to the real one. Everything up to now, will stay the original dates, but next chapter, instead of being Tuesday, it will be Thursday.

That may cause a few continuity errors, but in general, it will fill a big plot hole. So tell me what you think about that.

And sorry this chapter was shorter, it took a bit to write because I kept re-doing the beginning, while working on the plot because SURPRISE: the book is somewhat close to the final chapters! (But we still have time.)

And what are your thoughts on this chapter? Love you! ❤️)

(Hamster Fact: Hamsters are known to be very picky eaters.)

785 words

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