꧁~The Weekends & Truths~(LV)꧂

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The weekends were always interesting in my household, always something happening.

This weekend was no exception it seemed.

María had texted thirty minutes ago, asking if I could pick her up so we could spend time in the garden. Obviously I said yes, there was no reason I wouldn't have.

Every moment I spent with her, was a moment I didn't feel alone on this bitch of a planet.

So here I was, driving to a house, to pick up the girl who had changed my life greatly, in the little time I'd known her, who I swear I'd move heaven and earth for - possibly if I wasn't an atheist - to please (although I hadn't thought too much into my willingness to do anything for her). I was, picking up the girl I had gifted a whole-ass garden to, not thinking twice about the aching in my heart that I felt every time someone mentioned her name.

Ever since Lily and Chris had confronted me about María, I couldn't stop thinking over what Lily meant when she said that I was "moving on."

Did they really think something was going on between us?

What will they think if they find out I gifted her that garden? Will that fuel the fire of assumption they've created?


"Hey María," I said, watching as the girl buckled herself into the seat.

"Hey Techno," she said, before coming higher and placing a kiss on my check, "thanks again for this."

She pulled out her phone, not paying attention to me anymore, giving me the opportunity to be unintentionally flustered.

Beginning to drive away from the house, my heart stopped racing, my mind wandering away from the short-lived fact that for less than a moment, I was internally dying, longing for her touch again.

Staring at the road in front of me, I felt happy in the presence of someone I enjoyed being around.


"Wait for me," her voice blended into tenderness, softening the beat of my heart.

She sped up, briskly walking down the road, away from the car.

Grabbing a hold of my hand, I smiled at her, to which she returned.

"It's been a bit since I've seen the garden, anything new to it?"

A playful grin grew from my mouth, "why yes darling, I've only added the best for you."

"Oh," she mocked my fake posh accent, "is that so, dear?"

"Absolutely, we have marigolds now."

"Wait," she lost the fake accent, "really, marigolds?"

I nodded happily, knowing that I had done something right.

"I love marigolds!"

Bringing her closer, I leaned down and kissed the side of her head, saying, "I'm glad to hear that."

A giggle erupted from her throat, "you make me so happy."

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