꧁~With Her Around~(Part XII)꧂

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Was I at war with my own emotions?

"I'm sorry..." she said.


"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"I shouldn't have said that..." she looked down at Floof as if to avoid my eyes.

"No, don't be sorry."

"I was just caught off guard. That's all."

I made an effort to give her a small smile.

"Okay," she still looked down.

"Uh, would you like something to eat?"

I wanted to change the topic.

She looked up at me with a wary expression.

"Yes please, if you don't mind?" she tilted her head.

"Well I asked didn't I?"

I grinned at the girl sitting on my bed.

"I was just making sure," she rolled her eyes at me.

I stood up to go to the door.

"What do you want?" I opened the door slowly. My hand was on the knob.

"I'll just come with you and decide."

I jumped forward, startled by the unusually close voice coming from behind me. I turned to see the tiny girl right there, just looking at me with the dog still in her arms.

She laughed at my reaction.

"It's not my fault that you scared me," I scoffed.

"Come on let's go," she put her hand on mine and helped me open the door.

I felt a shiver go down my spine as her hand touched mine.

"Your hands are cold." I looked at María who was now following me out of my room.

"Yeah they've always been that way." she chuckled while looking down at her hands.

We walked down the steps in a certain silence.

"Where is your family?"

"Oh my mom and dad are still at work."

We walked to the kitchen.

I turned to her.

"And my sisters are still in school." I looked at her eyes.

"Didn't you mention having a brother?" she gave me a curious look.

"Oh yeah, Chris."  I rotated back to the direction of the kitchen.

"How did you forget your own brother?"

"There are too many to keep up with." I shrugged.

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