꧁~Pick Me Up~(Part XXVII)꧂

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She scrolled through her Instagram feed while sitting in her bed.

She was waiting for her family to start getting home, any moment now.

Then, the door opened and overlapping barks greeted the arrivals.

Pushing herself out of the bed, she stretched.

When she opened the door, she could hear voices downstairs.

~María's First Person POV~

As I walked through the hallway and down the steps, I could hear my family.

Making sure to have my smile on, I glanced at myself in the mirror.

"Hey María!"

Looking down, I saw Zack staring up at me.

I took the last few steps and walked towards him.

"Buddy!" I lifted the boy up and off of the ground, raising him in the air as he giggled.


We all sat at the table, everyone was chatting, except me.

The smile never left my face as I watched them talk.

I could smell the spaghetti sauce.

And then, we began to eat.

"So Mary, how has your day been?" my dad asked.

"It's been good," I said, "what about yours?"

"Wonderful, today while at the office..."

His voice trailed off as my mind went other places.

I'm killings myself by doing this.

The noise was blocked out.

How am I going to do this? I don't think I can do this.

Taking a bite of my food, I still felt empty.

I have to do this. There is no other option.

Even if I wanted to breakdown and cry, I knew I had to hold it back.

My family laughed, so I joined in, even though I didn't know what was so funny.


The nerves were getting to me.

"I'm done," I stood up and pushed my chair in.

"Already?" Charlie asked.

I nodded and scraped my plate in the trash, before putting it in the sink and rinsing it off.

Walking away from the dinner table, I went up the stairs.

When I made it to my room, I shut the door behind me, before throwing myself on the bed.

Reaching over, for the hoodie on the chair, I grabbed it and held it close to my body.

Then, the sobbing began.

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