~Again, Still, Years Ago~(Backstory III)

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She cried that night.

  I was processing what she had told me. I didn't think, I just laid in bed until the Sun came up. My body was dead, but my mind was awake.

I was lost in my thoughts that night. Not a inch of sleep was had that night, by either one of us.
My mother told me that I would be "leaving" in a few days. I didn't feel anything. My mind was blank. How could I live without her? 

A strain in my mind and body began to build up. It felt like there was a weight on my chest. I sometimes just started crying because I felt hurt.



As the next few days passed, my mom became somewhat distant. She could hardly look at me without walking out of the room and come back looking miserable. I did the same as her and kept my distance. I was a big girl, I would be okay. I didn't need my mother. Right?

My emotions were too much for my young self to handle. I felt that same hurt when I thought about her leaving. Hurt. Hurt. Hurt. Death.

I wanted to feel no hurt. I ached for my hurt to stop. It was in my chest, in my brain, it was like I had been stabbed in the heart and left to forever bleed out.


Finally the day to "leave" my mother came around. I wanted to die that day.

Some lady in a suit-like-attire came to the hotel. I sat by my mother in the car to drive to a big building. It was a grand, old looking building, almost like a museum.

I looked around in awe.

Then three people seemed to have spotted us, two of the people looked at each other while another woman in the same suit-like-attire smiled at the other two people, and then at me.

Were they the people who I will live with?

They began to walk towards us, or I guess... towards me. They looked very nice. I was nervous.

I looked up to my mother, she was looking at the two people and she smiled. Was she happy? I was confused by her reaction.

As a group, we walked in a hallway with many rooms. As we walked into a room, there was a man with a black robe on.


After everyone talked for a while and made decisions, it was over. My mother took my hand and lead me back to the hallway.

Was this the last time?

The two people introduced themselves. I was told that they said their names were Lisa and Henry Anderson. My mother kind of translated for me.

That's when I really began to realize how different Lisa and Henry were. They spoke a different language and looked like they weren't from here.

I was scared of what I didn't know. And I didn't know a lot.

(A/N- next chapter will be the end of flashback/ background story. Anyway love you amazing people so much ❤️)

538 words

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