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We stared into each other's eyes, no words had been spoken between us for many seconds.

"So... umm... this is what Lily was talking about?"


The guilt began to reach my nerves, "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner."

"I understand if you're m-mad and want to leave."

She raised an eyebrow, saying, "what?"

"I'm not mad, and I'm not going anywhere," she held onto both of my arms, "you have to understand that I'm here for you."

"B-but, I lied to y-"

Not able to finish my sentence as the girl leaned in closer, wrapping her arms around my torso.

It was in a moment, less than any constructive measurement of time, that my heart poured out to María as I wrapped my arms around her. Hugging her like letting go wasn't an option.

Self-control abandoned, I placed a multitude of long, drawn-out kisses on her head, words not able to express enough.

As she looked up, locking a gaze, I didn't realize that I was tearing up until she wiped the wetness from my eyes.

Her gentle smile, infectious. I felt myself start to grin, both of us with tears rolling down our cheeks. That's when realization hit me, those were happy tears.

I'm happy.


We sat in the grass, looking at the marigolds in front of us.

Her hand was placed in mine, the sun shining on us.

"I love marigolds," her voice was quieter, almost as if she didn't want to disturb the calm atmosphere.

Leaning closer to her ear, I said, "me too."

She sighed, laying her head on my shoulder, our hands held in her lap. Her touch couldn't help but remind me that I wasn't alone, not anymore.

"Hey Techno?"


"What's it like being a Billiam?"

I didn't tense up this time; in my mind, I could trust her completely. There was no barrier between us, nothing to keep from her, she knew who I was, and she let me know that it didn't change how she thought of me.

"It's..." I paused trying to find the right words, "it's an everlasting struggle for my life."

"What does that struggle entail?"

Listening to her words, I watched as the honeybees went from flower to flower, fulfilling their jobs, their contributions to nature.

"You see that bee right there," I pointed to the bug.

María hummed in acknowledgment.

"That bee is doing what it's instincts tell it to do, go from flower to flower, consume pollen and nectar for nutrients; and with this, pollinating each floral plant."

"That bee is the equivalent of what I'm supposed to be, I'm expected to accept my role of taking the business from my father," I continued, "the instinct is running the business; the nutrients would be the success and high status that people think would be the payoff for the work; and the pollination is the pleasing my family, fulfilling their expectations and satisfying them."

"But María?"

She answered with a "hmm?"

"Am I a honeybee?" my question in a serious tone, "am I supposed to accept my fate?"

Lightly shaking her head, was enough of an answer for me.

"No," she said with a confident response, "no, you're not."

"Y'know you never talk about your father, what's he like?"

I felt my words fumble in my mouth, "m-my father?"

"Mhm, you don't have to answer, I'm just wondering."

My mind wandered to thoughts of my patriarch.

"I look like him." Was the first thing I said.

"I look like him."

(A/N- So sorry this is late to be uploaded, was kind of busy today, also, I'm here realizing my extreme plot holes I've created... Techno should be in Junior year... don't worry I may have a solution to that, and it would fit perfectly into my storyline. And then there is the fact that Techno should probably be 17 instead of 16, so let's make him 17, okay? Is that okay with you peeps?

Also, the date is off, I was stupid, thinking that the school year started on a Monday, but it didn't actually, it started on Wednesday, August 10, 2016 (where my story takes place) but I also have a solution to that, I think.

And, Floof shouldn't exist yet, [which is easily fixable by saying he was born earlier than he actually was] but there is also the fact that Techno actually took French in high school, not Spanish... but we'll just say he took Spanish. I will try to keep you updated if I find anything else! Love you ❤️)

(Hamster Fact: Most hamsters do not enjoy eating hay like herbivores do [hamsters are omnivores].)

788 words

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