꧁~Before It All~(LIII)꧂

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<<<<Earlier That Morning<<<<

~..... POV~

9:34 a.m.

I knew it. He didn't come home last night.

Turning away from the window, I looked down at my phone, finger hovering over the 'call' button.

"Good morning."

My attention now on the person walking down the steps, I mumbled the reply, "morning, Lily."

As she passed me and walked down the hall, I found myself following behind.

After a moment of watching her get breakfast, I spoke up.

"Can I ask you a question?"

Not looking away from the cereal she was pouring, she gave a small nod.

"Sure, what's up?"

"What do you think of María?"

~Lily's POV~

"María?" I said.

"Like Techno's María, or some other María?"

Chris replied, "Techno's María."

What did I think of María?

She seems real nice. She makes Techno seem like a big softie, that's for sure.

"I don't dislike her," I spoke, a grin appearing on my face, "and I know Techno really doesn't."

"Why do you ask?"

There was a moment of silence.

"Because I think there is legitimately something going on between them..."

Another silence.


He looked into my eyes and said, "Techno didn't come home last night."

"I- what?"

All of a sudden, the door was unlocking, and someone walked in.

Chris and I quickly turned the corner to see who it was.

The [now] three of us were silent, just staring a each other.

"Umm, hey?"

He was home.

~Techno's POV~

I'm screwed.

"So..." Chris approached, "someone never made it back home last night."

I gulped, knowing that he knew where I had been.

"None of your business."

"Are you sleeping with her?"

Spinning around to face my sister, I was almost lost for words, "I- you- fucking, w-what?"

"Uhhh, a little... straightforward, Lily," Chris rubbed the back of his neck, "b-but.. Techno, are you?"

"I djkiorsh- absolutely not!"

Both my siblings turned to glance at each other before Lily opened her mouth.

"Are you dating her then?"

I shook my head still in a shocked state, "no."

"Well, do you l-"

"W-what is this?" I cut off Chris, not sure what he was trying to say, but not really caring, "I'm older than both of you, yet I always seem to get parented by you."

"Why can't my personal life be private?"

Lily crossed her arms, "because you don't seem to understand the difference between privacy and secrecy."


"You reprimand us, but seem to forget that we've kept your little situation with Allison, a secret."

"You're seriously not bringing up Ali. Lily, she has nothing to do with anythin-"

"No, no, she's got a point, when exactly do you plan to share with the family that you're not going to end up going through with the marriage that was set up for you, before you were even born?"

"No, I was originally set up with Olivia-"

"Who is the cousin of Allison," Lily crossed her arms.

"Why does it even matter?"

"It doesn't, but what does matter, is the fact that you haven't come clean to mom or dad about your "breakup" but have decided to start moving on anyway."

I glared back at my sister, "you think I'm "moving on" with María?"

Lily gave a hesitant nod.

"You know NOTHING!" I yelled at the two of them, storming up the steps, not looking back.

What I didn't know, was that my two sibling had had it with my bullshit, they were ready to take the situation in a new path.

8 days till we were to leave.

(A/N- Something tells me you people aren't ready for what's to come, or maybe you are? We'll have to find out!

Sorry for the short chapter, and for the fact that there was no chapter out yesterday, but I hope this will suffice.

Love you ❤️)

[update: So... I'm stupid and forgot that it's a school day, so it probably makes no sense that Lily and Chris are not at school, but I have a solution! Let's just say that for today and tomorrow, it's planning day(s) for their private school, so they get to stay home. Yeah yeah, I definitely didn't create a plot hole-]

(Hamster Fact: Hamsters can be very picky eaters.)

654 words

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