꧁~Still Our Day~(Part XXXI)꧂

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I sighed as he left my room.

After standing in the doorway, just listening to his footsteps get farther away, my phone began to ring.

Shutting the door, I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and jumped onto the bed.

The caller ID wasn't recognized.

Clicking the 'answer call' button, I held the phone up to the side of my face.

"I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong num-"

"Wait, no it's me, I got a new number," a familiar female's voice said, through the call.

"Oh, hey Trinity-"

"Lily, I have great news!" the words rushed out of her mouth.

"Do tell."

"Diane moved the wedding to mid-September instead of early-December."

"Wait really?" I perked up.

"Yup, so that means we get to see each other earlier than we thought!" I heard the excitement in her voice and couldn't help but feel the same way.

"Ahh I still can't wait, but why'd they move the date?"

"Something about the fall leaves being good for wedding pictures."

"It's still gonna be in Tennessee, right?"

"Mhm, Gatlinburg, to be exact."

"Aww, so no Nashville?" the disappointment could he heard in my voice.

"No Nashville," she repeated after me, "I'm sad about that too."

"I just want to travel somewhere interesting."

"Mhm, me too, but apparently it's Diane's dream place or something."

"So how's the new school year going?"

Rolling on my back, I looked up at the fan on the ceiling.

"Learning sucks, school is just a fancy way of saying that you get to see people, but everyone you see is miserable."

Then, a thought popped into my head.

"Wait, I have news actually."

"Ok, let me hear it."

I took a moment before I spoke.

"So Techno transferred to a public school."

"Ooh, really, why?"

"He broke it off with Burtly."

"Wait, that Burtly girl, Allison?"

I responded, "yeah, apparently she did something bad, but he hasn't really gone into detail about it."

Turning to the window, I watched as a squirrel jumped from one tree, to another.

"Damn, she must have done something awful to make Techno refuse the tradition," she said in an almost sarcastic tone.

"I wouldn't call it tradition, it's more custom."

"Yeah, but it's kind of the unspoken rule for rich people to marry other rich people."

~Techno's POV~

I was putting my apron back on, when the door opened.

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