꧁~This Sunday~(LXII)꧂

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"I'm not letting you out of my sight."

Sighing, I looked up at the boy standing in front of me.

"I don't need you to watch over me like a child."

He crossed his arms, "you want me to leave, so you can drink yourself to death?"

"You know I wouldn't do that-"

"Would I know?" he asked with a serious tone, "I didn't know you would drink until you couldn't even stand."

Coming to my feet, I rolled my eyes, not in the mood to discuss that.

"There seems to be a lot of things you didn't know about me, so I don't expect you to ever understand."

Walking closer to me, he placed his hands on my shoulders, saying, "María, I'm so fucking sorry, I admit that I was a fool for pushing you away, but-"

Shoving him back, I yelled, "don't touch me!"

"You have no right to interfere with my life, you have no right to care about me!"


"Parker, please!" I cried out to him, "I don't need you!"

"I have the people I need."

He questioned, "who?"

"That one boy, Techno?"

I hated the way he said that. I hated how he sounded so annoyed, but I didn't back down, "he's more reliable than you, so, yes."

Turning away, I went to the door, feeling as an arm grabbed mine, but I pulled away.

"You know what?" I almost screamed at him, "I'm not going to drink myself to death, not with you here, not when I know you're on my doorstep, like a hopeless, lovesick, puppy!"

"I'd hate to be dead, with you to be the one to come to my side first!"

Slamming the door shut, I felt myself begin to cry, having held myself back outside.


(TW: Mentions of Underage Drinking, Inebriation, Intoxication.)

Drink after drink, I felt myself begin to fade in and out.

I had texted Techno to pick me up, I knew I shouldn't be drinking, I didn't want to be drunk again in front of him, but I couldn't help it.

As I lightly sipped on a lager, the bitterness in my mouth swirled.

Nothing in that moment felt right, but I couldn't handle myself, I needed some way out.


~Techno's POV~

Knocking on her door, I waited patiently for her to open it, but nothing came.

Knocking again, still nothing.

I heard the dogs barking, someone was in there, but not coming to the door.

She was in there, I knew it, that's what concerned me.

Internally arguing with myself, I forced my hand to the doorknob, which was surprisingly not locked.

Throwing away all my respect to not break in, I twisted the knob and pushed the door open.

"María?" I raised my voice in desperation.

"T-techno?" she slurred.

With a turn of the corner, I saw as she stood from a chair and began to stumble in my direction, losing her footing.

"María!" I rushed towards her, arms outstretched to catch her.

Holding the girl close to my body, I felt as her legs gave out. The dogs around us, whining.

"Mmm," she groaned.

"Are... are you drunk?"

Looking over her shoulder, my eyes scanned the table, bottles of alcohol in view. Bottles of alcohol opened, drained of the liquids supposed to fill them.

"I- had just a-a few d-drinks," she answered softly.

Trying to find her gaze, I felt the lump in my throat grow, "María, why?"

The girl shook her head left and right, struggling to keep her eyelids from closing.

"R—relief," she uttered with what little strength she could harbor, a croak in her words, "I was.. p-promis-ed, rrrelief."

Watch as people fall to their knees, begging for a way out of the horrors they are forced to endure. Watch as they seek out the relief that saves them for only a moment, but kills them every other day.

I felt as the tears filled my eyes.

Laying her down on the couch, I went over to the bottles, picking them up, putting them away.

Returning to her side, sitting on the ground by the couch, I grasped her hands, burying my head in them. Her touch on my skin, calming me down inch by inch.

"I'm so—sorry."

There was a silence, before I said, "me too."

Lifting my head, I looked her in the eyes, "I'm so fucking sorry too."


Helping her to my car, I sent the message to her mom from her phone, pretending to be María, telling her that she'd be out.

Putting the girl's seatbelt over her body, I backed out of the driveway, holding onto her hand.


Parking the car, I let my body fall back into the seat.

"Y-you know, I-I'm sorry?"

Turning my head to look at her drunken self, I leaned forward, kissing her on the temple.

"You don't need to be sorry," I calmly spoke, "I know you're struggling, I've known since I met you."

"But was there something that pushed you over the edge this morning?"

She nodded, "yeah, a-a few things, b-but, it just kind of h-happened."

"Oh," she slightly chuckled, "I-I almost f-forgot what L-Lily s-said."

Raising a brow, I studied her expression.

"What did she say?"

"Well, sh-she asked me about i-if I loved y-you, or something."

I smiled at her words, understanding it as a joke from my sister.

"Yeah?" I laughed, "is that right?"

The girl began to run her fingers through my hair, "mhmmm."

(A/N- Ugh, I found this chapter alright, tell me what you thought.

Sorry if it felt rushed, I'm really trying to not make it seem like that.

Hopefully the next couple of chapters will be better, it took a bit out of me to write that angst last chapter, I'm kind of recovering. I love you! ❤️)

(Hamster Fact: Hamsters are incredibly curious animals.)

1000 words

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