꧁~The Group~(Part IX)꧂

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"Move," he said in such a stern manner.

"I don't think I will," Drew remarked as if it were the end of that conversation.


"I already said NO!" Drew snapped at the other boy, as he turned his head back in the direction of me.

"Darling, tell this guy to keep walking," I tried not to make eye contact with Drew, he didn't like that.

Drew grabbed my chin with one hand, making me look him directly in the eyes. I could feel his fingernails burying into my skin.

I began to tear up, as a couple of barely audible whimpers slipped from my lips.

"That's it," I heard a voice say from behind Drew.

Before I knew it, one hand was placed on Drew's shoulder. Now digging into Drew's shoulder blade, the hand pulled the boy backwards and flung him out of the seat.

"What the hell?" the bus driver stood up and was looking at us. The bus had stopped.

The other boy ignored the driver and looked at Drew, who was now cursing him out. The boy shuffled over to me and sat down.

I still sat there, feeling vulnerable

The boy looked at me, studying my reaction.

"He grabbed her," the boy said not even glancing at the bus driver, but at me.

"Fuck you!"

"Shut up and sit down!" the bus driver yelled at Drew, then looked over at me.

I was on the verge of crying. I obviously looked distressed, or at least enough for the bus driver to believe the boy's story.

"We'll deal with this when we get to school," the bus driver returned to their seat.

The bus started moving again.

I felt an inch of relief move throughout my body.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" the boy finally spoke.

I sat there, silent and still.

Then, our gaze met each other. I began to let some of the tears flow out of my watery eyes.

The boy noticed this and leaned in closer. He began to stroke the tears off of my cheeks.

I felt relief forcefully drown my body.

I pulled the boy forward, leaning on the boy's arm as I clung to his sleeve.

~Techno's POV~

She pulled me closer and clung to my arm.

I shifted into a position that allowed me to hold her in a hug.

I shielded her away from the world.

She began to whimper. So I held her tighter.

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