Love story between a Ghost hunter X Murder (Scotty X Doug) Dnd

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The Lost that Hit it all

After Scotty lost his brother from the sleeping wolves he felt his whole world crumble right before his eyes. He didn't want to anything anymore. He just wanted this nightmare to end. Even though he lost is brother the worse part was that it seems that two of his so call friends didn't even care that he lost someone so important to him.

They probably see him as a murder with nothing but bad attention even though he just wanted everything to end. While knowing that no one cared enough to even see if he was alright he started walking off.

Scotty Mind- Why. Why did it have to be him. My only brother.

While feeling a tear drop down his face he felt someone put there hand right on his shorter

Doug- Scotty there is no shame of letting your feeling out

It was Doug. For a while now even though Jacob and Jewels just care about there reputation Doug was one of the only ones that was trying to help Scotty control himself and lead him out threw the pain. When ever he felt Doug close to him he felt like he was free again.

Scotty- I know Doug I know its just that

Doug- I know it will take sometime. If it was my brother I would be in the same rope as you and even if they don't see how important your brother is to you I do

Scotty- Thanks

That is when Scotty took Doug by the hand and force him to run with him.

Doug- Where are we going Scotty

Scotty- Away from the others for now I think they can deal with us being away for a few hours

Doug- I gust

After running for a while Scotty was able to take Doug to a place where they were able to see the stars better.

Doug- Wow its beautiful

Scotty- I know right even if its hard to see in the city sometimes there is beauty headed away

Doug- I can agree with that

Scotty- Doug I been wanting to do this for a while now

Doug- ok? What is it?

That is when Scotty kiss Doug. Doug was shock but soon kiss back taking the feeling that Scotty been feeling within him

Scotty- I been wanting to do that ever scene you show that you are the only person who cares for me with this world

Doug- I do care for you and I do a lot more than the others do and no matter what happens I will always be by your side no matter what.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now