Love story between two demi gods ( Magnus X Xylo) Olympus

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Finally Over

Requested by M9BenX

After everything that had happen where it seems the only person that people need to worry about is drannus demi gods started leaving the camp to go do there own things.

While leaving Magnus didn't want to leave without doing something first

Magnus- Umm Inpu

Inpu- Yes Magnus?

Magnus- I want to do something before we go

Inpu- Oh really I can come with you if you like?

Magnus- No I want to do this by myself pls inpu

Inpu- *sigh* fine but you have until sun down and if you are not back by then I will start looking for you

Magnus- Oh don't worry I won't be gone for too long

Inpu- Ok then go ahead and hurry up

Magnus- Ok

And just like that magnus started running into camp trying to look for someone. When they finally found xylo who was looking up at the clouds things they sit right next to him.

Magnus- Hey xylo

Xylo- Oh Magnus when did you get here?

Magnus- Its been a while now how are you?

Xylo- Well things are starting to get better so good I gust

Magnus- That's good hear

Xylo- How about you?

Magnus- Good but things could go better

Xylo- I can agree to that. Wait didn't you guys tell me you are returning home within the underworld?

Magnus- Yes but I wanted to see you first

Xylo- For what?

Magnus- For this

That is when Magnus took xylo by the hand and kiss him on the lips making xylo blush a little bit

Xylo- M-m-magnus why did you kiss me?

Magnus- Well I wanted to kiss you goodbye because I do like you xylo but I am just not ready for a relationship or at least not yet

Xylo- So you want me to wait for you because I can do that if you want me to

Magnus- Yes pls wait for me

That is when Magnus knew they had to leave because soon there brother would start looking for them

Magnus- I have to get going now xylo but pls do wait for me

Xylo- I will

Magnus- Goodbye xylo

Just like that magnus went into the underworld dreaming about the day they would return to the person that they love.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now