Love story between dragon slayers ( Allumos X Viper) Fairytail

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Requested by Voids-Ocean

After everyone got back to there world viper wanted to talk to allumos alone where there was no one around.

The reason why was because he wanted to tell allumos something for a long time now. He loved allumos very much and for the fact that he was the only person who cares for him when he needed help made him think that there aren't much people like him in the world now these days.

Viper Mind- I am going to talk to Allumos tomorrow because today was a really and I mean really long day.

*Next day*

Viper was walking to allumos room when he bump into micheal who was talking to devin.

Viper- Oh hey micheal

Micheal- Viper great to see you

Devin- Ya

Viper- Whatever

Micheal- Where are you heading this early morning

Viper- To allumos office what do you think?

Devin- Well then have fun

Viper- Oh believe me I'll try

That is when viper walk threw the door making devin and Micheal confuse on what hr ment by that.

When viper go into thr office he saw allumos working on some papers look kind of stress and tired

Viper- Allumos?

Allumos- Oh hello my dear boy what bring you here?

Viper- I been meaning to talk to you about something that all

Allumos- And that is?

Viper Mind- Well he goes nothing

Viper- Allumos I like you a lot and I been wondering if you feel the same way.

That is when allumos drop his pen and got up from his seat before walking to viper who look quite unsure if he should leave or get rejected but surprisingly allumos walk up to viper and kiss him on the forehead

Allumos- I like you too viper and I do care for you a lot

Viper- Really!?

Allumos- Really why don't we both go on a date just the two of us

Viper- I would like that

After that allumos was going to give viper his first proper kiss when micheal teleported threw the door

Micheal- Why don't you two love birds go on that date now

Viper & Allumos- MICHEAL!?

Viper- I am going to kill you

Allumos- As well I

Micheal- You can try

That is when the two ran at micheal and tried to kill micheal together.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now