My New Sons

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Xylo & the Loki kids

Origins of Olympus

Requested by AnthonyFernandez789

No One Pov:

It was a normal day for everyone. The birds were singing, campers were laughing and having a great and the loki twins were causing some chaos like they normally do.

Joey- Brother I think we need to stop this chaos for now after all we don't want xylo finding out about this yet right?

Ricker- Oh calm down brother he not here yet but when he does come I bet he going to dye from being really surprise

Joey- I second on that thought

Xylo Pov:

I just got back from taking care of a few things when I notice a note on my cabin door. While looking at it I was grab by behind and teleported to a black room.

For some weird reason through I didn't really freak out that much like I been here before.

Before anything through I was push into a surprise party of some sort with the Loki twins right in front of me

Xylo- Hello Joey, Ricker why am I here?

Joey- did you read the note yet?

Xylo- I did but all it said that I am going to be a father of two but I don't get that

Ricker- Well the surprise is that your going to be are new father

Xylo- What?

Joey- Its Quiet simple to explain you were able to defeat are father there for your are new father

Xylo- That not how it works

Ricker- that how it work for us besides I always wanted a father who would love me for being me and not for my powers

Xylo- Oh umm how about what would happen is someone kill me or defeat me in a fight would the winner be your father?

Joey- No they become a dead man

Xylo- Ok then but I really have to go now so umm

Ricker- Dad wait I want to give you something

That is when Ricker gave me a Bracelet which he put on me. I didn't know why but I kinda like the look of the bracelet.

Joey- See you soon

With that I was teleported to my room like nothing just happen

Xylo- *sigh* how do I get myself into these Situations? I just want to have a normal life for once. Let just hope they stop playing there joke and saying they are my son

With that xylo went to bed but what he didn't know was that the Loki twins were not making this up and he really did just Adopt two children from Loki

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now