Love story between demi gods (Ivy X Ferral) Olympus

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Birds in the sky

Requested by deadmarionette

No One Pov:

It was a lovely day outside. Ivy was just letting the wind blow threw there hair like it was noting. Ivy loved the feeling of this and just wanted this to last forever.

Through after a while Ivy started hearing birds around them. They didn't know why but it started to freak them out. As soon as they open there eyes they saw lots of birds around them as well as a huge bird who was just staring at them.

Ivy tried to get out of there but when they move the huge bird was trying to grab them and take them away which made Ivy scream for help.

Ferral Pov:

It was another day being Annoyed by my brother games I like to call it. We got into a fight and because of it I left and tried to get some steam off when I head someone scream for help.

That is when I pull out my sword and ran to where I heard the screams. When I got there I saw Ivy being taken away by this huge bird that just made me more angry.

While the bird was flying away I hop on its back and started riding it while it was flying away. I started to attack it which made the bird angry.

It was trying to make me fall off of it but I knew better so I stab it in the eye and then in the neck.

It started screaming and crying while it let go of Ivy. I went to try to grab them but I fell after them. When I grab them I notice that they had wings on there back.

They soon flew me to the ground and we started running back to my cabin to make sure the close is clear.

Ferral- I think were safe for now but first are you ok?

Ivy- Im fine thanks to you

After that Ivy and I started chatting about life and how things were going until it started getting dark.

Ferral- Do you have to leave?

Ivy- I don't know what else to do Ferral. I need to step out there so I can go to my cabin for the night

Ferral- Why don't you sleep with me tonight then? I don't trust you going out there alone without those bird monsters trying and take you

Ivy- Really that would be nice of you

That night when Ivy and I went to sleep I notice Ivy getting off the floor and hopping in bed next to me. I slowly rap my arms around them and slowly fell sleep with them in my arms.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now