Love story between slayers (David X Lucas) Fairytail

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A Calm Day

Requested by SkyfoxMoon

No One Pov:

Its been a calm day for the slayers as none of them wanted to get up from there beds.

Lucas was reading a book about water magic so he can have a better understanding of what to do when he use his god slayer form.

David was just cooking some food in nothing but his boxers

Lucas- David what are you oh my god

David- What? Oh ya I love cooking with only my boxers on but what the problem? You have seen me naked before

Lucas- Well ya but I didn't expect this that all it just caught me off guard

You see lucas have a small crush on david for a while now and it doesn't help that david likes to take his close off like all the time. Not only that we do have a child to take care of as well.

David- Oh hey that reminds me do you want to hang out later in the garden?

Lucas- Sure I would love that

*Hours Later*

David Pov:

Welp today is the day I tell lucas I love him and maybe take him out on a date. Plant have been helping me out with this for a while now and I really hope he said yes

Lucas- Well we are here oh wow

David- I know right it takes forever to get this stuff so nice and pretty for a handsome person like yourself

Lucas- Wait What!?

David- Do you want me to repeat what I just said?

Lucas- No it just-

I turn to look at lucas as saw him blushing rather that from liking me or from something else I don't really know.

David- Lucas I like you a lot and I was wondering would you like to go on a date with me?

Lucas- This isn't a joke right because if it is I will drown you to the bottom of the ocean

David- No its not a joke I do love you but was kinda scared you won't like me back because of blake

Lucas- Because of blake?

David- Ya aren't you guys dating?

Lucas- What!? No we aren't dating besides I had a crush on you for a while now but was scared to say anything

David- Wait really!?

Lucas- Yes you idiot haven't you seen the signs I been giving off?

David- Umm no sorry but that doesn't matter anymore

With that I pull lucas into a deep kiss before pulling out from it

Lucas- Now about that date

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now