Love story between heros (Seek X Collin) My Hero Pt: 2

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Movie night

Requested by Danganronpa-fan

No One Pov:

When the next day happen seek found Collin in his bed. Seek was surprised but soon remember what happen last night which made him blush a little bit

Seek soon Ignore what happen and started getting ready for school and act like nothing happen. Collin was lucky through. Collin didn't have to go to school that day and tomorrow was the weekend as well.

Collin Pov:

I started to open my eyes to see seek have already left. I didn't know why but I felt sad. I think I might have a small crush on the boy but I had to swallow those feelings down for now at least.

I got up and started doing my normal thing until seek comes home but while waiting Collin couldn't help but have the bad memory that happen that night and what he did to Database.

Collin Mind- Its all in the past now and there is nothing I can do but move forward and let things take it course.

At some point through I went into the living room and past out on the couch.

Seek Pov:

*Few hours past and its pretty much dark outside*

When I got home I saw Collin sleeping on the couch. I think he was waiting for me to get home but when I got closer I notice something Collin had tears in his eyes and he was shaking.

Seek Mind- Was Collin having a nightmare!?

I drop all my stuff and grab Collin shaking him awake where when he did he look at me and hug me tight

Collin- I'm sorry pls don't leave me

Seek- Woah woah woah I think you were having a nightmare buddy how about we watch a movie together ok?

Collin- Ok ya I think I would like that

When Collin let go of me I saw a wash of relief wash away from his eyes.

Seek Mind- What ever Collin dream about must of been bad but I'm not going to force him to say what he saw.

That is when we started getting ready for movie night. We were going to watch Escape room since I heard there was going to be another movie coming out about it.

After watching the movie Collin place his head on my lap. I started blushing and he must of notice it because he got up and look at me. When we both look at each other Collin kiss me. I use back as soon as he kiss me but he poll away after realizing what he did

Collin- Oh my gosh I am so sorry seek

Seek- Its ok its ok I don't mind it actually because I kinda like it

Collin- Really!? Then can I kiss you again?

Seek- Of course

That is when Collin kiss me again but this time it went a little heated. After we pull apart Collin grab me and pull me to his chest before cuddling me and falling to sleep.

I smile and turn off the movie for falling asleep on Collin chest.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now