Love story between demi gods ( Magnus X Nad) Olympus

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The Dance

Requested by Atgdfvt

When Nad ask Magnus out on the dance he wasn't sure that they would say yes but when they did he became one of the most happiness people out there.

He soon got ready for the dance in a very nice suit and when he came up to magnus they were wearing a beautiful dress.

Magnus- Do you like it?

Nad-Yes Of course I do. It looks amazing on you

Magnus- Really!?

Nad- Really

When the two got to the dance everything was going great. The two talk to some people, have some food together, and even dance on the dance floor together. Soon after Nad took Magnus to his magical spot where the two just lay there looking at the stars.

Magnus- I had an amazing night because of you

Nad- Really!?

Magnus- Really

Nad- Wow that means a lot Magnus

Magnus- Well I have one more thing for you

And with that magnus kiss Nad making this night feel like its going to last forever.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now