Slumber Party Gone Wrong

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Amaya, naya vs brinley vs reverie X Xylo

Origin of Olympus

Requested by Boby73

No one Pov:

After a long day of looking for Artifacts some of the girls from within camp wanted to have a sleepover. Brinley wanted to have it at her place since she was the one that plan it.

When some of the Demi gods show up at her place she saw a few people standing at her door which she soon let them in and got started on this party.

The party started out amazing. They started talking about there trouble life and what they had to do, then they started playing games together but after a while the talk started to go to boys which soon turn to the worse.

The girls started talking about the people in camp but when they started talking about xylo things just turn to the worse. They all started agreeing on how cute he is but they started fighting about who will date him so they all decided to try to start dating him to see who xylo loves the most.

Xylo Pov:

I was minding my own business when brinley & reverie started running up to my door. I notice that they have been fighting about something but I didn't know what.

Reverie- Hey xylo me and Brinley wanted to know if you would like to come with us for a picnic.

Brinley- and you have to come. You don't want to make us upset right?

Xylo- Oh umm of course not

Reverie- Great follow me

That is when reverie grab my arm and started dragging me to the picnic area. Things were ok at first until Brinley started feeding me some grapes. That is when Reverie got upset and started laying there head on my lap.

I started to panic a little when the two girls started fighting but I was able to escape them when I ran into the fox twins. They grab me and started dragging me to the pool area that the Egyptians had. They started sweet talk me and even force me to do thing that I really don't like.

They left me alone when inpu came and save my butt. Man I own him big time for that but the day didn't end because it seem these for were after me or something.

An example is that one will offer me to hang out with them. Then another will start fighting with them. Then finally I would be drag away while the others fight.

It was getting dark and I knew I couldn't go back to my cabin so I was sitting on the sand when cal came up.

Cal- Hey xylo long day?

Xylo- You have no idea. I was being drag back and forth. Then I was force to do thing and man it was upsetting. I can't go back to my cabin because the four might be waiting for me there and I don't know what to do.

Cal- Come with me

I follow cal to his room and he told me I can stay with him until things cool down a little bit which I gave cal a hug and thank him before falling asleep on his bed.

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